This is only for setting up a legacy development environment, which is not useful for current (as of 2022) CHIRP development. See DevelopersPython3Environment for the proper instructions. It is preserved here only because it may be necessary for some time to be able to create bug fixes for legacy CHIRP.
Setting up a Win32 Development Environment¶
CHIRP is written in Python, an interpreted language. To run the CHIRP code directly you need Python installed as well as several other external libraries:
- PyGTK - GTK cross-platform GUI
- PySerial - serial port connectivity for Python
- PyLibXML2 - XML processing
For MS windows, CHIRP is distributed as a compiled .exe file that installs the compiled code and the necessary runtime dependencies. The compiled .exe files eliminate the need for the Python interpreter. Additional downloads and steps are needed to create CHIRP installer (.exe) files if you need to distribute your work to other systems for testing.
To summarize the steps are:
- install python
- install additional python libraries PyGTK, PySerial, PyLibXML2
Installing Python¶
To run CHIRP you will need to install Python 2.7.x from either "": or "ActiveState": Do not install Python 3 as CHIRP is currently written for Python 2.7 and above, but will generally run on Python 2.6.x.
See the steps below to add Python to your system's path after installation.
Library and Runtime Prerequisites¶
In addition to Python, several other libraries are needed for the GTK cross-platform GUI, serial port connectivity, and XML processing.
Get and install the following in this order:
- For any of the above, be sure to get the latest version, and the py27 variant if/when available.
- If you are on 64-bit Windows, you must download the versions with the same bitness (either 64-bit or 32-bit) in order for everything to work together, all 32-bit or all 64-bit. ** If your intent is to be able to build an .exe for others to test/use, you should use only the 32-bit versions to ensure the generated .exe will install and run on the widest range of Windows systems.
- On Windows 7, 8.1, and 10, the PyLibXML2 installer will generate an error during the installation about not being able to modify the runtime directory. (This appears to be benign.)
When everything is installed, you will want to make sure that Python is in your system PATH variable:
Putting Python in your path.¶
After installing python, you will need to add it to your path. The Active State Python installer for ActivePython handles this for you. If you installed from follow these instructions.
Windows XP¶
- On the Desktop or in the Start menu, right-click on My Computer and choose Properties
- In the dialog that opens, on the Advanced tab, click on Environment Variables
- Under System variables, find Path, select it, and then edit Edit
- At the end of the existing value, add exactly this string:
(obviously adjust this path if you installed it elsewhere. Don't forget the leading semicolon) - Click the OK buttons until you're done.
Windows Vista/7¶
- In the Windows menu, right-click on the Computer item and choose Properties
- Click on Advanced System Settings on the left
- In the dialog that opens, click on Environment Variables
- Under System variables, find Path, select it, and then edit Edit
- At the end of the existing value, add exactly this string:
(obviously adjust this path if you installed it elsewhere. Don't forget the leading semicolon) - Click the OK buttons until you're done.
CHIRP source code and development process.¶
Get CHIRP from GitHub
Python should be in your search path from the install, but if not, put it in the system PATH environment variable. Once you do that, you should be able to enter the directory that was created in the clone step above, and run chirpw
with python:
C:\MyWorkspace> cd chirp.git C:\MyWorkspace\chirp.git> python chirpw
Updated by Alexandre J. Raymond 10 months ago · 28 revisions