


New Model #8397

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 3 years ago

Al parecer CHIPR no reconoce este modelo, y varios otros de esa marca. Por algún lugar pude obtener el software para poder configurar mi AT588 UV, pero están para Win y yo utilizo Mac... 

 Quisiera poder saber si existe forma que CHIRP reconozca este modelo de Anytone y, si es posible, la Anytone 6666. 

 Un abrazo a todos. 

 _Apparently CHIPR does not recognize this model, and several others of that brand. Somewhere I could get the software to configure my AT588 UV, but they are for Win and I use Mac ... 
 I would like to know if there is a way for CHIRP to recognize this Anytone model and, if possible, the Anytone 6666. 
 A hug to everyone from Chile._
