Bug #9957
openUV82 - unable to set frequency 453.04875 in Chirp. Unable to calculate the required tuning step
I am able to import/upload this frequency from the radio to Chirp, but get an error when renaming the channel. Error: Unable to calculate the required tuning step for 453.4870.
The frequency works just fine when manually saved to a channel without a name though.
Updated by Brett Spiers over 2 years ago
Never mind. New to Chirp, but eventually found the workaround by editing the properties window instead of directly in the main display.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
Hi Brett,
That doesn't look like a valid frequency. It doesn't fall within any of the UV-82's valid STEP values (see MENU 1 [STEP]). Entering that frequency into the VFO would either be rejected upon entering the last digit or auto-rounded to the next lower frequency corresponding the currently selected STEP value. I would expect that the frequency you are try to enter is actually be: 453.4875 (matching a 2.5 KHz, 6.25 KHZ and 12.50 KHz STEP).
My guess is that your radio is set to either a 2.5K, 6.25K or 12.5K STEP and you are just not noticing the very tiny "5" to the right of the "453.487"
When using the latest version of CHIRP with a tab open for a Baofeng UV-82, if I enter 453.4870, CHIRP accepts value and corrects it to 453.487500 it without any error message.
Updated by Brett Spiers over 2 years ago
- File Chirp Main.JPG Chirp Main.JPG added
- File UV82 screen showing frequency.JPG UV82 screen showing frequency.JPG added
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the feedback. I had a typo there in the text. I had the frequency correct in the title, but not in the body.
The frequency is 453.*0*4875 (the 75 in superscript on the radio)
I have this manually set on the radio, and am able to import/upload this to Chirp with no issues, but as a manually created channel it has no name in Chirp and the error occurs if I try to name it. If I edit the channel using the "Properties" button then I can rename it fine, so no big issue as there is a workaround.
Also, if I try to enter this frequency into Chirp it will auto change to a nearest calculated frequency, so the frequency is probably not passing the checks, but does work OK on the radio. Interesting.
I then downloaded this back to the radio fine as well. Just seems that there is a software check happening in the main screen that is bypassed when saving the settings from the Properties page.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago
Thanks for the clarification. I'm curious, what radio service would assign a frequency like this?
In any case, 453.04875 MHz is also not a STEP compatible frequency. You cannot key this frequency into the VFO of a UV-82 (or other similar radio that I am aware of) using its keypad. The closest you could get with a 2.5 K step would be 453.050000 MHz (+1,250 Hz) or 453.047500 MHz (-1.250 Hz).
CHIRP is programmed to match the same STEPS provided by menu 1 [STEP] of your UV-82 (2.5, 5.0, 6.25, 10.0, 12.5, 20.0, 25.0, 50.0). In this regard CHIRP is operating 100% as intended.
But as you have also discovered, you can easily hack these radios to accept and operate on frequencies down to a resolution of 50 Hz within their operational band limits. So my best recommendation would be for you to continue to use your "workaround" to enter your frequency and alpha tag. That fact that the Memory Properties editor allows you to do this is definitely a bug, though. ;-)
Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago
I too am very interested to know what step your frequencies are supposed to be aligned to. If chirp is not detecting or setting that properly, then we should fix it, but I agree with Jim that it's behaving like we expect now. It's possible that the radio is reporting that it's working, but isn't really tuning your expected/desired frequency in reality.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 2 years ago
- Model affected changed from UV82 to Baofeng UV-82
Hi Brett, would you have any input for us? Thanks.