



Bug #9908


Unable to populate offset values on ICOM IC-E92D

Added by Colin Pryke over 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

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Model affected:
Icom IC 92D
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


I have an Icom IC-E92D and am seeing some strange behavior with CHiRP. Auto detect for download fails, but manually setting the model then correctly downloads all of the memory locations. When using RepeaterBook import the offset column in the CHiRP radio memory display is completely blank, but if I export the data to a .csv then the offset column in that file is correctly populated. If I manually try to enter an offset value for a memory location in CHiRP then it reverts to empty and does not update the radio. This is the first time I have tried to use CHiRP with this handset so I am unable to say if it worked with an earlier version of the software or not. I have a attached a screen shot of the CHIRP screen that shows the offset column blank, and the .csv file showing that the values are there. Another interesting oddity is that the software will not export the DSTAR memories to the .csv as it say the radio does not support it, even though those values are valid in the memories...


CHIRPscreenshot.JPG (96.6 KB) CHIRPscreenshot.JPG Screenshot of CHIRP radio memory screen Colin Pryke, 06/13/2022 12:36 PM
CSVscreenshot.JPG (151 KB) CSVscreenshot.JPG Shot of .csv file where values are present Colin Pryke, 06/13/2022 12:36 PM
ManualMemory.jpg (118 KB) ManualMemory.jpg Setting memory location 3 manually on the radio. Colin Pryke, 06/13/2022 04:28 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Colin Pryke over 2 years ago

I've manually configured a repeater with an offset into memory location 3 and downloaded from the radio which has helped me to see that the problem appears to be CHiRP is not importing the 'Duplex' +/- value from RepeaterBook, and so the offset value is subsequently being ignored. If I export the .csv and manually fill in the duplex fields and then re-import it then the values are all populated correctly. Not sure if this issue affects other radio models too or just specific to my radio?

Actions #2

Updated by Colin Pryke about 2 years ago

FIXED! I found a few issues in these forums that all seemed to have the same root cause, which is missing duplex value from the repeaterbook output. I've been speaking with the repeaterbook admin (Garrett) and they have identified an issue with the repeaterbook output and have fixed it. The duplex value +/- is now output for ALL repeaters - looks like North American repeaters were OK, but repeaters in the rest of the world had this missing from the query. I can confirm that my repeater queries now upload to the radio correctly and operates as expected.

Actions #3

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Model affected changed from ICOM IC 92D to Icom IC 92D

RepeaterBook issue; resolved by submitter.


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