Feature #8569
closedMissing support for AnyTone AT-778 UV family in 20201221
We appear to have lost support for the following models in today's Windows release.
• CRT Micron-UV
• Retevis RT-95
• AnyTone AT-778 UV
• Midland DBR-2500
• (Yedro YC-M04VUS)
Updated by Jim Unroe about 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
Hi Tony,
This is strange. I have confirmed that this has happened and reported it on the [chirp_users] mailing list. These models still show up on my development computer. In the mean time you'll just have to revert back to the previous build to program your CRT Midron-UV.
What I would do it leave the latest build installed. Then unZIP the win32.zip version of the previous build to a convenient location. That way you can run the latest version as usual or double click the "chirpw.exe" in folder containing the previous win32 version to run the previous build. This is what I routinely do to test old versions of CHIRP without messing up my main CHIRP installation.
Updated by Dan Smith about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to In Progress
- Assignee set to Dan Smith
This is because the build system was unable to install the future module into the build worker at the time it was generated. I think this is probably just that the pypi servers were down at midnight when this ran, but I'm looking into it.
Updated by Dan Smith about 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Okay, this was a failure in the build system. I fixed the problem and regenerated the Windows build, which are updated here:
This should be fixed, so I'm going to close this issue, but feel free to reopen if there's still a problem.