New Model #8491
closedBaofeng BF-T12
Hola soy un usuario de Baofeng. Bf t12 que ya es uno de los mas vendidos tienen planeado agregarlo a chirp gracias
Hi, I'm a Baofeng user. Bf t12 which is already one of the best sellers they have planned to add it to chirp thanks
Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
This is a duplication of issue #7689. Please watch and participate there.
la suya es una duplicación del número 7689. Por favor mire y participe allí.
Updated by Martin Ramires over 4 years ago
Perdon ese software. Ya lo tengo creo que me esprese mal lo que quise desir. Es si lo van a poner en chirp muti plataforma. Para poder agustar otros parametos que con el software. original. No puedo es una pregunta gracias
Sorry that software. I already have it, I think I was wrong about what I wanted to say. It is if they are going to put it on chirp muti platform. To be able to find other parameters than with the software. original. I can't is a question thank you
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to New Model
- Subject changed from Baofeng. Bf t12 to Baofeng BF-T12
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from Rejected to Closed
- Assignee deleted (
Aaron P) - Equipment Loan/Gift Offered set to No
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago
Lo que Jim quiso decir es que ya hay una solicitud para esta radio. Ningún desarrollador había trabajado todavía en él, y podría tomar un tiempo hasta que se implemente. - No podemos responder preguntas sobre otros proveedores de software.
What Jim meant is that there's already a request for this radio. No developer had worked yet on it, and it might take a while until it is implemented. - We can't answer questions about other software providers.
Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago
- Target version changed from chirp-py3 to chirp-legacy