Bug #7799
closedTYT-9800 Plus Quad Band No Settings Options. Only a blank area
TYT-9800 All settings & options available with factory software. Programmed and saved. Imported TYT-9800 into CHIRP latest version. All channels, freqs, tones, power etc correct. When I click on settings tab, empty space with no radio options. See attached photos.
Performed full factory reset and imported into CHIRP with same situation, no radio setting options. Again, factory software works 100%. However, without CHIRP options, I have no way to verify CHIRP has not modified options
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee deleted (
Ray Torella)
An empty settings page is usually caused by an out-of-range parameter in the radio.
Do you remember what you changed last? Try to restore it.
Updated by Ray Torella over 4 years ago
The TYT-9800 now comes with Ham 2m & 70cm locked down. Everything works with CHIRP while locked. They include a password to open freqs with their software. You import radio, click on freq tab and it will ask for password. Once entered, it opens radio to freqs like Mars Murs mod. All options still available with factory software at that point. Import into CHRIP and all settings and options tabs are on right but each tab field only white background. I saved the original radio image before doing password MURS MARS. After reloading ham only image to radio, then import into CHIRP, all option and settings are available to select and save to radio. Problem is the factory software is clunky and I want to have MURS MARS available in an emergency. But without seeing the actual settings in CHIRP when returned to ham bands only creates possibility that CHIRP could change any-all settings in radio.
Updated by Richard Frye over 3 years ago
I managed to debug the download part of the driver for the radio. The issue is that when you unlock the radio, the "Last Program Date" is blank. This causes bugs in chirp. I tried setting it in the official TYT software but it does not update the date. When I tried to update via chirp, it does not update correctly either but everything else appears to be working. Someone with more knowledge about reading the data from the radio will need to figure out how to fix the date setting. Once that works everything will show up in the settings menu.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
Richard Frye wrote:
The issue is that when you unlock the radio, the "Last Program Date" is blank.
This may well be the "out-of-range" parameter. Including the problem CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file and a debug.log file would be useful.
Updated by Richard Frye over 3 years ago
- File TYT_TH-9800_20211008.img TYT_TH-9800_20211008.img added
- File debug.log debug.log added
The image file and debug file are attached. I pulled the source code down on a linux box and was able to figure out the progdate on line 543/544 is trying to create a date from _info.prog_mon, _info.prog_day and _info_prog_yr. Then that variable is sent to RadioSettingValueString(0, 10, progdate). The problem is those values are either bad or empty. Also, I added some code to set those values to todays date which allowed the settings to load. When I uploaded the image, everything was set except the date. It could be the date address has moved? The regular TYT software just shows blank. If you look at the image file for CHIRP, the Browser shows weird info settings. The info element shows the mon, day but they do not show up when you expand the tree.
Let me know if you need more info. I would love to get this resolved. This program is great.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
Your radio has the S/N, Model and Code in the correct location. I would think that the year, month and day data is just missing (or incorrect in the case of the year). When uploading, CHIRP is supposed to write the current Year, Month, Day to the radio. So are you saying that if you upload to the radio and then immediately download from the radio, the Year, Month, Day data does not became populated as it is supposed to? If not, provide a debug.log file that was obtained after and upload was attempted.
Updated by Richard Frye over 3 years ago
The debug.log is from a download, upload and download of the image. The date does not get written to the radio from chirp or from the factory software.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
CHIRP is generating an error dealing with the invalid date and I don't think it is getting a chance to add the current date. I have attached you image with a valid date. Upload that to your radio to see if the current date gets written to it or not. A debug.log file like you provided before would be appreciated.
Updated by Richard Frye over 3 years ago
I have attached the debug log. I uploaded the image. Then downloaded the image and the settings windows is still empty. If I fake the date via code the settings window shows up. Since the unlock of the additional frequencies, could the memory address of the date changed?
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
Richard Frye wrote:
I have attached the debug log. I uploaded the image. Then downloaded the image and the settings windows is still empty. If I fake the date via code the settings window shows up. Since the unlock of the additional frequencies, could the memory address of the date changed?
But after you loaded the image I provided, the Settings tabs showed, right? It was after the download from the radio that the Settings stopped showing.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
After you load my file with the fixed date...
1 verify that the Settings tabs show.
2 upload that tab to the radio.
3 download from the radio
4 check to see if the Settings tabs show or not.
5 attach that image to this issue
Updated by Richard Frye over 3 years ago
- File debug.log debug.log added
- File 1_open_image.png 1_open_image.png added
- File 2_upload_image.png 2_upload_image.png added
- File 3_download_from_radio.png 3_download_from_radio.png added
- File 4_settings_tab.png 4_settings_tab.png added
Updated by Richard Frye over 3 years ago
The steps were taken and the files were uploaded
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
OK. I think I have figured why the date isn't being updated. The upload memory range is shorter than the download range so it is finished before it gets to that area of memory.
Updated by Richard Frye over 3 years ago
Is this going to be an easy fix? Thanks for looking into this issue. This is a big deal for a lot of people
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
Richard, Do you know how to load and run test Driver Modules?
Updated by Richard Frye over 3 years ago
I have the source code down and can run it. I have not tried to run any tests but I can figure it out.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- File th9800_draft_fix_1.py th9800_draft_fix_1.py added
OK. I don't think I can fix the problem with the driver not writing the current date to the radio. Not having a radio in my physical possession or serial captures of a download and upload make me nervous about the prospect.
Anyway, the attached draft driver module, checks for a valid date in the Settings tab. If an invalid date is present "Invalid" is shown in the debug.log and in the Settings tab.
To use it, first save the draft driver module to a convenient location. Do not right-click and choose download. You must left-click and then choose "download" on the next page that loads.
Next access Help in the menu bar and enable "Enable Developer Settings". This will add and additional choice in the File menu called "Load Module"
Use File -> Load Module to load the draft driver module into CHIRP. The background will turn red to let you know that CHIRP is running with an external driver module loaded.
At this point, if all goes well, CHIRP should be able to download from your radio, display the Settings tabs and upload back to your radio. I just won't update like it says it does (but it never has).
Note: This draft driver module does not make any permanent changes to your CHIRP installation. Once you close CHIRP, you must load this draft driver module again prior to loading a file or downloading from a radio with an invalid date.
Let me know how it goes.
Updated by Richard Frye over 3 years ago
- File driver_draft_download.png driver_draft_download.png added
- File debug.log debug.log added
That worked.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
- Assignee set to Jim Unroe
- Platform changed from Windows to All
I finally got some time to work on creating a formal patch to submit.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Patches submitted. Support will be in the next CHIRP daily build following acceptance.
Updated by Richard Frye over 3 years ago
Thank you very much for all your help Jim.
Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Applied in changeset commit:8733513617f7.