



Bug #779


Delete (and shift up) Problems

Added by Sean Begley almost 12 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

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I read the instructions above:


The Right Click -> Delete & Shift Up appears to be flaky. Please reference the attached .img file.

Note that there is a "blank channel" at rows 9, 22, & 32. If I right click & "Delete (and shift up)" on row 9 it deletes row 9 and shifts rows up but only until row 21. After the action is completed you will notice that there is now no blank at row 9 but there is a blank at row 21 and 22 (and 32).

If I then try to "Delete (and shift up)" row 21 nothing happens.

If I then try to "Delete (and shift up)" both rows 21 & 22 (highlighted simultaneously) nothing happens.

If I "Delete (and shift up)" row 22 it works fine. If I then "Delete (and shift up)" row 21 it works fine. However, in both cases it adds another blank row before row 32.

It looks to me like the "Delete (and shift up)" only "shifts up" until it hits the next blank line. This causes problems if blank lines are scattered throughout the list and not just at the end.

I'm not sure what the problem with "Delete (and shift up)" on multiple consecutive blank rows is.

These should be fairly easy to reproduce.



debug.log (13.1 KB) debug.log Sean Begley, 04/09/2013 06:29 PM
UV-5R_Delete_Example.img (6.32 KB) UV-5R_Delete_Example.img Sean Begley, 04/09/2013 06:29 PM
UV-5R_Delete_Example_2.img (6.32 KB) UV-5R_Delete_Example_2.img Sean Begley, 04/12/2013 05:13 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Dan Smith almost 12 years ago

The issue with delete-and-shift of multiple rows is a valid point of confusion and/or a bug.

The behavior with the blank lines is a little more complex. The short answer is: this is working as designed. Meaning, the code is doing what I expect it to do, but clearly not you. The idea is that this is used to close gaps, and not necessarily shift the entire set of memories up.

It sounds like maybe there needs to be two options in there, one which does what it currently does, and another which will keep marching until the end of memory. I'm not sure how to succinctly denote that in a context menu, but I'll consider it.

Actions #2

Updated by Sean Begley almost 12 years ago

Fair enough. To make sure we're on the same page regarding the "issue" I would point out that, in my opinion, the current behavior doesn't close gaps it "moves gaps." That is to say, if you had two 1-line gaps in your list before executing "Delete (and shift up)" you will have one 2-line gap afterwards.

I believe that shifting the entire set of memories (including blank lines) up is more flexible since you have "Insert row above" & "Insert row below" functions. I'm not sure in what scenario the current behavior is particularly desirable.

Regardless, it's your project and you're doing all the work so I'll feel content to make my opinion known and leave it at that. I'm enjoying CHIRP so please keep up the good work.


Actions #3

Updated by Dan Smith almost 12 years ago

No complaints, I was just trying to explain that it was WAD :)

Check out today's build. There is another option for deleting now that does what you want. Let me know what you think.

I'm leaving this open until I figure out how I want to address the case where you do one of the complex delete operations with multiple memories selected.

Actions #4

Updated by Sean Begley almost 12 years ago

Looks good.

I'd say that deleting multiple rows with the "Delete ...and shift all memories up" works "correctly."

Deleting multiple rows with "Delete ...and shift block up" still does nothing at all. I think it would be consistent if you made this operation move the block up and "create" as many blank lines below the block as you deleted above the block.


Actions #5

Updated by Dan Smith almost 12 years ago

Well, it doesn't do "nothing" as noted in your original report here :)

In your original example, if I wanted to close the gap at 9 and put two memories in at 21,22 then I would need to use the block delete. I could solve that with cut/paste too, but the delete-and-shift function has been in chirp since before cut & paste :)

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. Glad to get another function for chirp out of the deal :)

Actions #6

Updated by Sean Begley almost 12 years ago

Hey Dan,

I just double checked. To clarify I think that highlighting multiple blank rows and selecting "Delete ...and shift block up" does nothing. In the attached example try highlighting both rows 21 & 22 & selecting "Delete ...and shift block up." As best I can tell, nothing happens. I believe it should remove the 2 empty lines at 21 & 22 and cause a total of 3 empty lines (2 new + 1 old) at 30, 31, & 32.

The same basic "nothing" happens when you try to "Delete ...and shift block up" on a single blank line with another blank line directly below this (try deleting line 21 using "Delete ...and shift block up") although I believe this is working as designed and is consistent so I wouldn't worry about this case. I just wanted to include the note for completeness' sake.

And finally, I was laying in bed 2 nights ago thinking about the 2 styles of deletes and decided that your style (Delete ...and shift block up) does have utility in that it allows me to arrange parts of my list without moving everything else (in case I know that a particular block of channels I like starts at 100 for instance & I don't want to move them). So, I formally rescind my dislike of "Delete ...and shift block up" haha.


Actions #7

Updated by Dan Smith almost 12 years ago

Yes, the complex delete operations explicitly do nothing when multiple rows are selected. I'm leaving this bug open specifically to remind me to address that.

Glad we're on the same page now -- thanks!

Actions #8

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

This appears to be complete.


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