Bug #6873
closedYaesu FT-4XR out of range frequency issues
The FT4XR will not program ANY frequencys outside the 2 meter or 70cm band as compared to earlier versions. I had a time importing from a FT-60 due to this ( Yes I used EXCEL to keep channels below 200 and make sure the columns were right.) Also it appears the skip and scan choice is inverted - S to me was skip... now its scan !. The nice thing is you can use chirp to reorder the channels and make location changes and then use the factory software to polish it off. I have been a chirp user and an extensive M and K users as a Government Comm Manager for years. Chirp has worked well over the years and this is the first glitch I have had. (Not bad!) Also I noticed I could not zero out deleted memories as they would have greyed out active channels.. It just did not feel right. NO HURRY TO update it just wanted to let you all know there is an issue with the radio and chirp! Thank You for all you do and I know its difficult when there are numerous radios with quirks !