



New Model #6425


Retevis RT95

Added by Derek Haden about 6 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Equipment Loan/Gift Offered:
I read the instructions above:


Request that the Retevis RT95 is supported.

Files (158 KB) Capture of radio read/write Marco 1891, 02/06/2019 04:03 AM
Data_sent&received_using_RT95_software.dat (44.7 KB) Data_sent&received_using_RT95_software.dat Data read/write saved in the RetevisRT95 software format Marco 1891, 02/06/2019 04:03 AM (30.1 KB) Joe Milbourn, 05/22/2020 02:40 PM
retevis.jpg (36 KB) retevis.jpg Error message screenshot. Derek Haden, 05/23/2020 01:35 AM
retevis1.jpg (20.4 KB) retevis1.jpg Derek Haden, 05/23/2020 01:41 AM
error message RT95.jpg (84.9 KB) error message RT95.jpg Michele IZ2EAS, 05/23/2020 01:48 AM

Related issues 4 (0 open4 closed)

Related to New Model #7887: CRT Micron UV Closed05/17/2020

Related to New Model #6787: Midland DBR2500 Closed05/13/2019

Has duplicate New Model #6003: Retevis RT95 aka Anytone AT778UVClosed08/09/2018

Has duplicate Bug #7909: Cannot read RETEVIS RT95Closed05/23/2020


Updated by Marco 1891 about 6 years ago

Good morning, I have this radio (Retevis RT95 aka Anytone AT-778UV aka CRT Micron) and I would like it to be supported in Chirp as soon as possible. I'm not a programmer, and I would never know how to develop. But I was able to capture the data transited between the radio and the original software. Attached is the capture file, the read capture file, the RetevisRT95 program I used and the relative test file .dat related to the capture made.
For the capture I used USBPcap
I hope someone more learned than I can analyze the data collected and start the radio support process. I also hope to have done my little part well as far as possible. Thank you.

Actions #2

Updated by Steve Krzysiak almost 6 years ago

I'm curious how the dev process works in regards to whether someone is actively working on something. If someone is working on this please update this ticket or tell me where I can reference who is working on what. I am thinking about getting an rt95 and if no one else is working on this I'd like to take a stab at it.

Actions #3

Updated by Dan Smith almost 6 years ago

  • File deleted (
Actions #4

Updated by Dan Smith almost 6 years ago

  • Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily

I have deleted the stock software upload from Marco. It's not appropriate to post licensed software (even if it is freely available here). It exposes the CHIRP website and community to potential action by the owners.

Steve, I do not know of anyone working on this (although you might check with Jim Unroe first). In general, you should join the dev mailing list and ask if someone is working on it if you want to know.

Actions #5

Updated by Derek Haden almost 6 years ago

Dan Smith wrote:

I have deleted the stock software upload from Marco. It's not appropriate to post licensed software (even if it is freely available here). It exposes the CHIRP website and community to potential action by the owners.

Steve, I do not know of anyone working on this (although you might check with Jim Unroe first). In general, you should join the dev mailing list and ask if someone is working on it if you want to know.

I too would be interested in offering help here.
I have to say upfront I'm no programming genius.
However can offer enthusiasm if nothing else.
The RT95 is a nice user friendly rig.

Actions #6

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Target version set to chirp-legacy

If you wish to contribute to Chirp, please review the Wiki: Developers. Thanks!

Actions #7

Updated by Joe Milbourn almost 5 years ago

I think the new AnyTone 778UV driver will support his radio, but the current version won't automatically detect it. However, I don't have this model to hand to try it out.

If you, or anyone else, would be willing to have a go a very experimental driver is attached - To load it into your chirp:

Download and put it somewhere convienent, doesn't matter where.

Start Chirp and select 'Enable Developer Functions' from the 'Help' menu

From the 'File' menu select 'Load Module' and browse to wherever you saved and select it.

The chirp window will go red - that's OK.

With your radio connected, choose 'Download from radio' from the 'Radio' menu, and specify your serial port. Choose 'Retevus' as the manufacturer, and 'RT95' as the model, then hit OK.

Chirp will warn you that this is an experimental driver, say yes if you want to continue.

Hopefully, you'll see the 'Cloning from radio...' progress bar, and after a while you'll see all your memories in chirp. If you see an error, please attach a screenshot here.

Either way, please post your results.

Thank you!

Actions #8

Updated by Derek Haden almost 5 years ago


many thanks for taking the time to do this.

I tried the driver using the latest version of chirp 20200521.

Error message
"Unable to load modlue:invalid syntax(, line 1).

Screenshot attached.

Hope that helps.

Actions #9

Updated by Derek Haden almost 5 years ago

Here is a screenshot of the about screen.

Actions #10

Updated by Michele IZ2EAS almost 5 years ago

tried it and managed to load the driver, but the radio is still not responding.
I am attaching the screenshot of the error message received.


Actions #11

Updated by Joe Milbourn almost 5 years ago

Derek Haden wrote:

I tried the driver using the latest version of chirp 20200521.

Error message
"Unable to load modlue:invalid syntax(, line 1).

Thanks Derek - don't suppose you accidentally saved the HTML version of that python file? I think you need to click the link, then select download from the new page.

Actions #12

Updated by Derek Haden almost 5 years ago


Definitely saved the .py file.
I opened the file with bluefish editor to look at what the error might be (no genius at programming).
Here's what the line reads
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

Hope that helps.

Actions #13

Updated by Michele IZ2EAS almost 5 years ago

Michele IZ2EAS wrote:

tried it and managed to load the driver, but the radio is still not responding.
I am attaching the screenshot of the error message received.


I tried again and I should have done some mistake, since now it is working correctly (apparently).
Thanks !

73, Michele

Actions #14

Updated by Derek Haden almost 5 years ago


I have a simple mind, and realised that the py file name contains the version number 20200522, but the latest version of chirp is 20200521.
So out of curiosity I changed the .py file name to match the chirp version.
Now the py file loads.
However downloading from the radio fails, it appears to start and the rig displays PC Mode, but after a few seconds gives up.

So close
Thanks again.

Actions #15

Updated by Joe Milbourn almost 5 years ago

I tried again and I should have done some mistake, since now it is working correctly (apparently).

That's awesome, thanks Michele.

Actions #16

Updated by Joe Milbourn almost 5 years ago

I have a simple mind, and realised that the py file name contains the version number 20200522, but the latest version of chirp is 20200521.
So out of curiosity I changed the .py file name to match the chirp version.
Now the py file loads.
However downloading from the radio fails, it appears to start and the rig displays PC Mode, but after a few seconds gives up.

Thanks Derek, looks like you've somehow got the HTML version of the python file, which chirp can't understand.

Try downloading from and loading that into chirp. Shouldn't be any need to change the filename.

Actions #17

Updated by Derek Haden almost 5 years ago

Update to my last comment.
I think the filename change was a fluke, I think it just fooled chirp into not showing the error message.
Is there a way of deleting the module and trying from fresh?

Actions #18

Updated by Derek Haden almost 5 years ago

Joe Milbourn wrote:

I have a simple mind, and realised that the py file name contains the version number 20200522, but the latest version of chirp is 20200521.
So out of curiosity I changed the .py file name to match the chirp version.
Now the py file loads.
However downloading from the radio fails, it appears to start and the rig displays PC Mode, but after a few seconds gives up.

Thanks Derek, looks like you've somehow got the HTML version of the python file, which chirp can't understand.

Try downloading from and loading that into chirp. Shouldn't be any need to change the filename.

OK I now have what looks like the right file. it loads without error.

However when I try to download from radio, the rig goes into PC Mode for a second or 2, then goes back to it's normal operation, and nothing is downloaded.
I have tried removing Chirp and reloading, to no avail.
Can the module be removed? and start again?

Actions #19

Updated by Derek Haden almost 5 years ago

BTW I am using the Linux based version.

Actions #20

Updated by Derek Haden almost 5 years ago


Bit of a saga, but here goes.
The py file appeared to load correctly, however I could not find Retevis RT95 listed, and assumed that I had to use the Anytone 778UV option, which didn't work.
I then noticed that the CRT Micron wasn't showing either, so to my simple mind the file was loading but not installing the driver.
I was right
After looking at the py file, I noticed the check for Python-Future around line 38, so I checked the log file, and it had a warning that Python-Future was not available.
So I manually installed python-future

sudo apt-get install python-future.

It now works beautifully.

I guess the next move is to get the driver installed into Chirp by default?

Actions #21

Updated by Joe Milbourn almost 5 years ago

Derek Haden wrote:

It now works beautifully.

I guess the next move is to get the driver installed into Chirp by default?

Awesome, thanks for persisting Derek. Yes, next step is get a patch included.

Actions #22

Updated by Derek Haden almost 5 years ago

Joe, your efforts will be very much appreciated by the many RT95, 778UV and Micron owners.
The stock software is truly horrid, you cannot even copy and paste, or move memories up and down.
Thanks for your efforts.

Actions #23

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

Patch submission in progress.

Actions #24

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Implementation appears to be complete.


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