



New Model #5825


Kenwood tk-360g type error

Added by Michel A over 6 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

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I read the instructions above:


I have a set of 2 kenwood tk-360g’s laying around. They are programmed by a previous owner (only 3 channels work)

But I can’t get them reprogrammed, with chirp or the kenwood software.
In chirp I get the error that the “p3600&xx doesn’t contain P3600”, in the kenwood software it’s giving a check type error.

Does any body have an idea what’s worning with the unit’s? Or is it simply add an upperscase stament in the type check?


debug.log (24.6 KB) debug.log the debug log Michel A, 05/28/2018 12:44 PM
DSC_0034.JPG (695 KB) DSC_0034.JPG and back of the porto's Michel A, 05/28/2018 12:44 PM
DSC_0034.JPG (4.68 MB) DSC_0034.JPG back label Michel A, 05/28/2018 02:51 PM
DSC_0035.JPG (3.69 MB) DSC_0035.JPG front Michel A, 05/28/2018 02:51 PM
DSC_0036.JPG (3.3 MB) DSC_0036.JPG right side Michel A, 05/28/2018 02:51 PM
DSC_0037.JPG (3.4 MB) DSC_0037.JPG left side Michel A, 05/28/2018 02:51 PM
DSC_0040.JPG (3.34 MB) DSC_0040.JPG top side, 8 ch Michel A, 05/28/2018 02:51 PM
version.PNG (8.55 KB) version.PNG kenwood version Michel A, 05/28/2018 02:51 PM
get_checksum.PNG (85.1 KB) get_checksum.PNG get checksum Michel A, 05/28/2018 02:51 PM
error_read_data.PNG (100 KB) error_read_data.PNG read data error Michel A, 05/28/2018 02:51 PM
debug_error3x_3tries.log (51.3 KB) debug_error3x_3tries.log the first debug log, with the error Michel A, 05/31/2018 10:01 AM
debug_succes.log (33 KB) debug_succes.log after the remove of not on rule 498 Michel A, 05/31/2018 10:01 AM
Kenwood_TK-360G_20180531.img (32 KB) Kenwood_TK-360G_20180531.img the img file of the memory Michel A, 05/31/2018 10:01 AM
screenshot.png (29.3 KB) screenshot.png and the screenshot Michel A, 05/31/2018 10:01 AM (54 KB) Latest dev driver with support and bug fixes Pavel Milanes, 06/04/2018 07:03 AM
debug_error4jun.log (25.5 KB) debug_error4jun.log debug log with the 4 chars Michel A, 06/04/2018 10:38 AM
debug_succes4jun.log (32.3 KB) debug_succes4jun.log debug log with the 5 chars Michel A, 06/04/2018 10:38 AM
screenshot-error-upload.PNG (62.9 KB) screenshot-error-upload.PNG screenshot of the checksum error Michel A, 06/04/2018 12:49 PM
Kenwood_TK-360G_20180604-2.img (32 KB) Kenwood_TK-360G_20180604-2.img downloaded image file of the porto Michel A, 06/04/2018 12:49 PM
debug_upload_error.log (38.8 KB) debug_upload_error.log debug log upload error Michel A, 06/04/2018 12:49 PM (54.8 KB) dev driver with a lot of debug power to inspect the back checksum error. Pavel Milanes, 06/05/2018 09:38 AM
debug_5jun_4tries.log (481 KB) debug_5jun_4tries.log debug log with 4 tries to upload in it Michel A, 06/05/2018 12:07 PM
Kenwood_TK-360G_20180605.img (32 KB) Kenwood_TK-360G_20180605.img downloaded image file of the radio Michel A, 06/05/2018 12:07 PM

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to Bug #11285: Error on Kenwood TH-260G(N)Feedback04/05/2024

Actions #1

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Can you send us a debug.log please?

From what you are telling it's a typo from my side or a new variant (p and P are not the same at driver level)

Please check this link and upload a debug.log file to analyze.

Also if the radios has the original back label (under the battery) please take and upload a photo of that label to check the correct model for each one, there is a well known trick of the fleet owners in which you may get a firmware overwritten radio...

73, Pavel, CO7WT.

Actions #2

Updated by Michel A over 6 years ago

This is the debug log

Updated by Michel A over 6 years ago

The requested files.

It could be a modified firmware, but I couldn't find a normal one to try to download in it.

Actions #4

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 6 years ago


They are at a glance a pair of TK-360G-1, this can be a "K" (USA/America), "E" (Europe), "M" (Asia?), or "NE" (?) versions as per the label, but in firmware they present as "p3600" and that's a kind of model "E" but with lower case "p"...

The "-1" just tell me that it uses the kenwood UHF band 1 for the market it was made, and that vary from K/E/M/NE

If so, at the firmware level they must present it self as "P3600" not "p3600"

You mentioned that the Kenwood software can't program it either, maybe you got a new variant or a special unit... a counter-fight one?

None of the variants & combinations for the TK-360G radios in the last OEM software (KPG-56D v4.22) produce a radio with a firmware signature of "p3600"... all of them are upper case "P360" ones

Can you upload a few pictures from the top and front of the units?

From the pictures I can try to guess the configuration and provide a custom chirp driver to test and maybe (very good chance) get support in Chirp.

From the pictures will be able to tell a few of this:

  • Do they have a LCD or are blind units?
  • Full DTMF keyboard in front or just 4 keys / 2 keys?
  • Top keys are rotary? how many steps/channels?
  • You know the freq they use or are programmed? at least just one?
  • What name & version of OEM (Kenwood) software did you tried?
  • What is the error of the OEM software?

I'm intrigued by this radios...

73, Pavel CO7WT.

Actions #5

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 6 years ago

  • Assignee set to Pavel Milanes

Updated by Michel A over 6 years ago

They are both blind, 8ch selector on top and a volume control, no keyboard.
On the side are 3 buttons, ptt and the 2 smaller programmable ones.

I've the KPG56-4.0 software, it can read the checksum (C628) but every thing else leads to a check type error (see the screenshots)

I've have also a standard programmed TK-3301 on the normal 2x8 pmr channels, but it doesn't get any signal of the TK-360G, I can read out that with the propper kenwood software. So my cable should be good.

I've looked in the chirp kenwood TK-360G type array code, and the P3600& should be an E version. I've bought them quite some years ago from ebay and used them as a pair for quite sometime. Now I would like to use them with the TK-3301's so tried to program a matching set of frequencies...

I wouldn't mind to test out a "p3600" version instead of the "P3600" version, but bricking the unit's would be a pitty...

Actions #7

Updated by Michel A over 6 years ago

And the 440-470Mhz setting for the 360G-E or the other versions lead to the same error.

Actions #8

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 6 years ago

  • File added

Hi to all.

Investigating the issue with the info from the pictures, logs, etc. plus a lot of service manuals I managed to get from a former Kenwood fleet technician here (also a Ham) I dare to say that it can be a model "E4" mentioned on one of the service manuals... and not covered in the actual chirp driver.

There is no support for it on the KPG-56D v4.22 software (latest version I can find) so it can be a custom model or a very recent one...

Attached there is a custom dev driver for you to test, instructions follows.

Download the file to your desktop

Fire Chirp and go to "Help" menu, once there tick the option "Enable Developer Functions"

Go to "File" and a new option "Load Module" will show, click it.

It will bring a open dialog in which you must find and load the file you downloaded to your desktop

Now Chirp has this custom dev driver loaded (just until you close it, the change is not permanent), try to read the radio now.

If it succeed, go to file and save a image of the memory of the radio, do not attempt to load the data back to the radio yet.

Now look for the debug.log (and the new image file if succeed) and attach it to this post for me to inspect it and do some validation before try to modify it or upload to the radio.

With the Image loaded on chirp you can inspect and check if all pieces are there, but please do not modify it yet.

Cheers, Pavel.

Actions #9

Updated by Michel A over 6 years ago


Thanks for the modified driver, i've loaded in chirp and tried it.

It tries to get in program mode, the red light on the radio flashes a couple of times, but then returns the error "The radio doesn't accept program mode" :-<

Actions #10

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 6 years ago

In this scenario a debug.log can be very useful...

A note: the error you mentioned "The radio doesn't accept program mode" occurs very early in the clone process, so the dev driver didn't have a chance to make it's work...

Please do the process again, load the dev driver and try a few times in a row, and no matter what is the result grab the debug.log and post it here for inspection. (also comment the results)

Cheers, Pavel.

Michel A wrote:


Thanks for the modified driver, i've loaded in chirp and tried it.

It tries to get in program mode, the red light on the radio flashes a couple of times, but then returns the error "The radio doesn't accept program mode" :-<

Updated by Michel A over 6 years ago


I had an other try, there is a debug.log attached of that, I noticed that I got every first try I got the still the "p3600& contains no P3600" after switching it off and on again. In the debug log there a 3 runs of that. with each 3 tries to download.

I also had a peek in the debug log and noticed where the error was comming from, so I modified the code on rule 498 and removed the not from the if statement, and so continue only when there is a time mismatch :-)

Then I could download an copy from the memory, it's attached, with the debug log of that session and a screenshot from the settings in chrip.

Kind regards,


Actions #12

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

Got it, Will process in the night.


Actions #13

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 6 years ago

Hi to all watching this, I have made some progress in the weekend.

I found a few bugs and made some changes to the tk760g driver (a lot of radios affected) and now this particular model has support.

Attached there is a dev driver to test, please follow the procedure I described in a earlier post and try it, if the download works as expected then the upload must be safe to do, try that to. After testing it please report either failure or success to include the changes on main Chirp.

+Interesting facts:+

  • This particular radio (with no LCD) appears to be a very early model or a custom one, as in the mem space it has a very early date and a OEM soft version of "1.0" and all other models in the family has a LCD.
  • It appears to be a kind of "E4" variant at firmware level.

+Changes made to the driver:+

  • Improved the ID detection (removed a char) to fix a bug when the radios use/used a Trunking board (affect all other models supported)
  • Fixed a bug for some variants (radios with less than 32 channels) that does not allow banks (affects a bunch of other radios)
  • Included a special case TK-360G variant with no LCD (distinguished by a lower "p" in the ID, when all others use lower case letters)
  • PEP8 completion.

73 Pavel CO7WT.

Actions #14

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 6 years ago

  • File deleted (

Updated by Michel A over 6 years ago

Pavel, Thanks for the great work!

I had to change the length of the string on row 495 from 4 to 5 to get the ident working. Got first the error "no p360, in P3600 or p3600"

I've attached the first try debug log and a second try, with the version with the 5 char string selection
And the img file it produced, how does that look to you?

Kind regards, Michel

Actions #16

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 6 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

Well done at finding the 4/5 typo.

It looks fine to me, all working as expected.

Did you tested uploading the same downloaded image to the radio? if that works, then change some settings and channel data and upload it, it must work flawlessly by now.

If that works the we are ready to go mainstream. I'm waiting for your tests to send the patch.

73 Pavel CO7WT.

Updated by Michel A over 6 years ago


I've just tried to upload the downloaded config, but it stops at block 52, with a checksum error :-<

Attached is the img file, screenshot and the debug.log file

Kind Regards, Michel

Actions #18

Updated by Pavel Milanes over 6 years ago

Hi Michel,

Please test this dev (with a lot of debug power)

Do as usual to load the module.

Download a radio image.

Try to upload that unmodified image to the radio a few times looking for success (at least 3 times) don't worry for radio bricking, you are overwriting the same data to the same place.

Grab the debug.log and post it here for inspection.

Regards, Pavel.

Updated by Michel A over 6 years ago

Hi Pavel,

Attached are the downloaded image file and a debug log, with debug=true on, with 4 tries to upload to the radio.

Thanks for the work!

Kind regards,


Actions #20

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

Closing this because there's no more traffic on it and it's assumed that it's complete.
If that's not the case, please let us know, and we'll reopen this ticket.

Actions #21

Updated by Alexandre J. Raymond 9 months ago

  • Related to Bug #11285: Error on Kenwood TH-260G(N) added

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