Feature #4779
openFT1D microSD card
Hi, I can´t correctly read memory.dat and backup.dat stored on the micro SD card. I don´t have a programming cable to FT1D. Programming via micro SD card would by great. Bud that is´t possible. I sending files to view.
Thank´s, Michal.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago
The same request has been made for the FT2D and the FT3D (see #5579).
Updated by Declan Rieb over 1 year ago
Thanks for the BACKUP.dat file. I have a modified copy of FTnD drivers (n=1, 2, 3) to be able to read the BACKUP.dat file. My technique requires one to change the name from BACKUP.dat to {something}.sdcN, where the N specifies which radio one is working with.
I've not fully tested read and write, and I've used my own FT2D and your FT1D files. I've noted some difficulty with settings so far, but I hope that'll be fixed before anybody reads this.
Updated by Michael Marbut 5 months ago
I would also be interested in seeing this feature implemented.