Bug #441
closedHungarian translation
Dear Dan,
The Issue #419 you closed. You wrote: "You may still see some untranslated strings in things like the menu File->New, which are stock items from GTK. In order for those to be translated, I think you need to make sure that the base language is installed on your system and that LANG=hu in your environment."
My base language are on Ubuntu and Win7 HUNGARIAN. In the cmd window the command "echo %LANG% writes: hu
But in the menu there are untranslated strings. I can't solve it.
Please help!
Best regards:
Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
These are GTK stock items, which I don't really control (other than using them). I guess I could stop using them, although they provide for automatic accelerators and menu icons, which I like, plus they help blind hams using screen readers. I'll try to figure out why they're not getting translated when I get a chance.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- Chirp Version changed from 0.2.3 to daily
This appears to be complete.