Bug #4223
closedMacos Sierra install instructions are incorrect
There are special instructions for working around application security in macos 10.9+ for chirp (http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/MacOS_Tips#Application-Security-in-109x). These directions are obsolete as of 10.12 (sierra). The UI access to this functionality is removed; you have manage the security system from the terminal.
To add an exception for a single program:
sudo spctl --add /Path/To/Application.app
To globally allow apps from any source:
sudo spctl --master-enable
I would have changed the wiki page directly, but I don't seem to have permissions for that.
Updated by Neil Katin over 8 years ago
Sorry, the platform should be macos, not windows. I can't update that field in the ticket.
Updated by Dan Smith over 8 years ago
- Assignee set to Neil Katin
- Platform changed from Windows to MacOS
Hi Neil, thanks for this. I just gave you wiki edit permissions and would be grateful if you can make the update for us.
Also: uncool Apple. Uncool.
Updated by Neil Katin over 8 years ago
I updated the wiki page: MacOS_Tips.
I can't close this ticket. Can you do so for me after checking the wiki update? Thanks.
Updated by Dan Smith over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Looks great, thanks a lot!