Bug #4217
closedchirp-daily-20161112 - UV-5X3 image Settings tab shows no fields or data
Settings tab is blank, when loading a UV-5X3 *.img file, on Windows 10.
Updated by Ken Cormack over 8 years ago
- File UV-5X3 CONFIG.img UV-5X3 CONFIG.img added
I'm also attaching the *.img file for my UV-5X3,which revealed the problem.
Updated by Ken Cormack over 8 years ago
Interestingly,I was having this problem with my Gen2 radio. This afternoon, I wanted to make some changes to my Gen3 radio, and thought I'd give the new version of CHIRP a try... NO PROBLEM. I then exited the software, connected my Gen2 radio up again, and this time, the new software worked with my Gen2. So I'm not sure what's going on. Anyway, you have my debug log, and the Gen2 image I was trying to load from disk at the time I was seeing the error. Please let me know what you find.
Updated by Ken Cormack over 8 years ago
Geez.... Please disregard my last update... I got confused. This afternoon I was working with one of my UV-2501+220's, which is working, and I let that thought contaminate this bug report.
For clarification... the bug exists when using a UV-5X3 image. Disregard my Gen2/Gen3 update... that was a different radio. My bad.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- Platform changed from Windows to All
This is a dupe of #4215. A patch will be submitted later today.