



Bug #3653


Chirp not doing PL decode for Anytone 5888-UV

Added by Rick J almost 9 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Anytone AT-5888UV
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


Chirp isn't doing PL decode. In Chirp, I enter TSQL and a tone, sent to work. I can go into VFO mode on the mobile and program in a frequency with a PL decode. Using a HT without any PL, the mobile works fine (mobile shows activity, but no audio). I save that entry into Memory mode, and it still works fine. Send my channels to Chirp, and I can see no difference in what I originally entered (except the name of the freq now shows only the freq). Enter a name for my newly saved freq, save the file and send it to the PL decode working.


good DL.jpg (98.7 KB) good DL.jpg 1st download from mobile. PL decode works Rick J, 05/16/2016 10:58 AM
Bad DL.jpg (101 KB) Bad DL.jpg Upload to mobile after making tone change,saving,&changing back Rick J, 05/16/2016 10:58 AM
Good.img (32 KB) Good.img Rick J, 05/16/2016 08:01 PM
Bad.img (32 KB) Bad.img Rick J, 05/16/2016 08:01 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Feature #6633: CTCSS squelch on Anytone 5888Closed03/22/2019

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

Please attach an image with a channel that does not work and a second image with the same channel that works.


Updated by Rick J almost 9 years ago

Everything will be for channel 5. I entered the freq (in VFO Mode) with an encode/decode PL of 100.0. Also checked the squelch setting (option 16) and it's set for CTCSS. Saved the freq into Memory. Double checked that it still worked in Memory Mode (also checked the other TSQL channels). Downloaded the channels into Chirp. Saved and overwrote the old .img file. With no changes to Chirp, uploaded the file to the mobile. Everything still works. Lastly, went and changed the Tone Mode from TSQL to Tone and saved the file. Went and changed it back to TSQL and saved the file. Uploaded the file to the mobile. PL decode not working for Ch 5, although it still works for the other TSQL channels.

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 9 years ago

Not pictures! CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) files.


Updated by Rick J almost 9 years ago

Sorry about that! This is using Ver 20160513
I removed all other freqs from the file, except channels 4 and 5. I used a HT on simplex 146.565 for the xmit.

  1. DL'd the file and removed all non-relevant freqs. Saved as "Good.img"
  2. UL'd the file to mobile and checked that all still worked. It did as it should on Ch 5 (shows activity, no audio but hear audio on Ch 4).
  3. Closed Chirp.
  4. Opened Chirp. Went to open "Good.img" and received "Detection Failed" message, and I selected my Anytone mobile (happens every time I want to open my Anytone files).
  5. Uploaded file to radio to see if it still worked, and it did.
  6. Changed just the "Tone Mode" of Ch 5 to "Tone" and saved file.
  7. Changed just the "Tone Mode" of Ch 5 back to "TSQL" and saved file.
  8. Uploaded file to radio. Decode no longer works...hearing audio.


Actions #5

Updated by Rick J almost 9 years ago

#'s 6 and 7 are "Bad.img".
FYI...I'll be out of town for the next few days if you need me to do anything else. Won't be ignoring you. Thanks for all your help.


Actions #6

Updated by Rick J almost 9 years ago

Rick J wrote:

Sorry about that! This is using Ver 20160513
I removed all other freqs from the file, except channels 4 and 5. I used a HT on simplex 146.565 for the xmit.

  1. DL'd the file and removed all non-relevant freqs. Saved as "Good.img"
  2. UL'd the file to mobile and checked that all still worked. It did as it should on Ch 5 (shows activity, no audio but hear audio on Ch 4).
  3. Closed Chirp.
  4. Opened Chirp. Went to open "Good.img" and received "Detection Failed" message, and I selected my Anytone mobile (happens every time I want to open my Anytone files).
  5. Uploaded file to radio to see if it still worked, and it did.
  6. Changed just the "Tone Mode" of Ch 5 to "Tone" and saved file ("Bad.img").
  7. Changed just the "Tone Mode" of Ch 5 back to "TSQL" and saved file.
  8. Uploaded file to radio. Decode no longer works...hearing audio.


Actions #7

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 9 years ago

Rick, Yes. It looks like the CHIRP driver removes the tone when it is edited. Hopefully someone will be able to look into this.


Actions #8

Updated by Rick J about 8 years ago

So, I guess this is a dead issue?


Actions #9

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago

  • Chirp Version changed from 0.4.0 to daily
  • Model affected changed from (All models) to Anytone AT-5888UV

Not dead, this is still open and will be looked at if one of the developers takes it.

Actions #10

Updated by Brad Schuler over 4 years ago

Related to issue #1491

Actions #11

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed

See #1491.


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