Bug #314
closedUV5R Firmware BFB291
The New Firmware BFB291 Is not working with the current build of CHIRP They have a new version of the software which works with the Newer Firmware . It looks like Separate software will be required by all units with BFB291 Firmware and Newer
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
- Assignee set to Dan Smith
- Model affected changed from UV5R BFB291 to UV5R
Can you get any amount of an image if you try to download with CHIRP? If so, please attach it here. Also, please attach a debug log of the attempt (regardless of if successful).
FYI, tomorrow's daily build will check for the firmware version and fail if it's >=291 just to limit any confusion and potential damage until we know further.
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File BFB291.dat BFB291.dat added
Hello Dan,
The new firmware model will not communicate with the legacy Baofeng software or the last CHIRP daily bill. Baofeng has a new version of their software that will only read and write the new BFB291 firmware version. I'm uploading you a copy of it's dat file.
Dan Ozbirn
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Yes, I understand. Thanks, but the .dat files are useless for this :)
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File error1.jpg error1.jpg added
The Test version GTK 2.24.10 PyGTK 2.24.0 Python 2.7.2 Oct 2 2012 Got a reply from the Radio This time Got an Error Unknown Vender (see File Error1.jpg)
Sorry About that dat file it was the only horse i had in the barn 8)
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Okay thanks, but I need the debug.log!
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
Sorry About That Dan I found the Log here it is YOU get slow when you get old
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Added a 291test2 build. Please test and report.
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug2.log debug2.log added
Test 2 CHIRP 291test2 GTK 2.24.10 PyGTK 2.24.0 Python 2.7.2 Radio Led Blinked 1 time ERROR Radio reported unknown vendor Debug2.log attached
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Sorry, test2 didn't get the changes integrated that I intended. Please ignore and retry with test3 :)
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug3.log debug3.log added
Test 3 CHIRP 291test3 GTK 2.24.10 PyGTK 2.24.0 Python 2.7.2 The Radio Led Blinked 1 time ERROR Radio reported invalid version string debug3.log attached
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Now we're getting somewhere. Please repeat with test4.
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug4.log debug4.log added
Test 4 CHIRP 291test4 GTK 2.24.10 PyGTK 2.24.0 Python 2.7.2 Radio Led blinked several times Got ERROR Value 255 not in range 0-9 No Channel information was displayed debug4.log added
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Looks like you might've closed and reopened chirp after doing the download as the debug log is almost empty. Is that right? If so, could you re-snag it?
Making progress...Thanks!
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug4b.log debug4b.log added
Resnage of Test 4 debug4b.log added
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Okay, thanks. test5 posted. I just hacked out the settings bit, which is where it was choking. Hopefully this will get you to a memory editor after the download (with probably garbage-looking data), at least enough to save out the .img.
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug5.log debug5.log added
Test 5 Got am img file this time it looks pretty good the offsets on ch 2 and 4 are wrong but looks pretty good i am adding it to the files and will add the debug log too
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Okay, great! Better than I expected. Are you willing to try an upload at this point? I think the risk is quite low that anything will be problematic or irreversible, but there's always a risk. If so, that's the next thing I'd like to try, but will require me to spin another one.
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
H Have a back up saved on there software so i am game i will try an upload
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debugU1.log debugU1.log added
Could not upload adding debugU1.log no led flash and no upload
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Right, I haven't written the upload bit yet :)
Coming in a few minutes, stand by...
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Okay, test6 is up with potential upload capability.
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug6.log debug6.log added
Test 6 WAS able to up load and download alright Non standard offsets are a little buggy but every thing else seems to be alright when i run across a non standard offset i will not download but i was able to upload it standard ham band offsets are working ok
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Okay, great news! Can you tell me what the offsets are supposed to be for channels 2 and 4 in the image you sent?
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
Memory 2 should have been a + 2.88 Offset
Memory 4 should have been a - 3.625 Offset
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File BFB291good.img BFB291good.img added
The Offset Problem could have been a Bad programing of the radio after reprogramming it and downloading it is ok see the image I added
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Okay, excellent. I sounds like you've done multiple downloads and uploads at this point, modified the image, etc without any trouble, is that right? If so, I think it might be good to go ahead and push what we have into the daily builds to see how it works for the masses.
What do you think?
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
I have rolled it around pretty good and it seems like it is good for a run in the daily build I think it will do ok there are getting to be several BFB291 Radios out there so give it a try
Updated by Lars Komm over 12 years ago
- File debug.dl2olk.log debug.dl2olk.log added
Hi folks,
I will attach here as I might be of help here.
I installed the latest daily build and got the same what Danny had before. Radio reports unknown vendor.
Debug info attached.
Greets, Lars
Updated by morgan r over 12 years ago
purchased UV-5RE model with BFB291 from 409shop. Using generic usb cable and driver I attempted to download from the radio and got the following errors:
daily 10/3
"Radio did not respond"
daily 10/5
after 4 seconds a quick red led blink and screen goes to purple
"Radio reported unknown vendor"
so it appears there is some communication?
has anyone gotten a UV-5RE to work with Chirp?
Updated by Shawn Somers over 12 years ago
It appears that there is another variant that uses 6t instead of DH as part of the vendor string.
Updated by John Buck over 12 years ago
Just to back up what Morgan and Shawn reported.
My Baofeng UV-5R received from 409shop.com isn't recognized by the daily build of CHIRP. I had the exact same experience as Morgan R.
I pulled this from the debug log:
Vendor is '6t\x04', expected ('DH\x04', '\x00\x04y')
Radio reported unknown vendor
Updated by John LaMartina over 12 years ago
- File debug20121005.log debug20121005.log added
Same with the UV-E5
Vendor is '6t\x04', expected ('DH\x04', '\x00\x04y')
Radio reported unknown vendor
debug log from 20121005 attached
Updated by Alex Simpson over 12 years ago
another log for the uv-5r hopefully its helpful,
Updated by Alex Simpson over 12 years ago
Also to clarify this is a BFB291 with a generic usb cable (Prolific clone).
Alex Simpson wrote:
another log for the uv-5r hopefully its helpful,
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug1007.log debug1007.log added
Tried downloading a BFB291 and BFB251 radio with the October 7 build Both work Added is the debug log from the BFB251 for reference My internet was down from Friday night to yesterday Starting to catch up thanks four you good work
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug1007-291.log debug1007-291.log added
Updated by Ali al-Azzawi over 12 years ago
I've got a UV-5R, just bought it, and it report BFB291. Attached is the debug log running, chirp-daily-20121007.
Updated by Ali al-Azzawi over 12 years ago
Using a UV-5R (reports BFB291). Attached is the debug log running, chirp-daily-20121012.
Updated by Dan Smith over 12 years ago
Doh! The change I made yesterday was not the one I intended. Please try tomorrow's daily and let me know.
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug291nr1.log debug291nr1.log added
Try ed 2 different radios one would upload the other would not
Added both debug files both radios BFB291 Firmware
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug291or1.log debug291or1.log added
I am starting to think some these newer firm ware radios may have io problems
Updated by John LaMartina over 12 years ago
Getting Closer... Daily Build 20121013
Test run with UV5R BFB231 and UV-E5 BFB291.
Upload/Download works great with both radios with no problem.
However, the saved .img file from the BFB231 unit will not upload to the BFB291 unit.
The image files are not transferable betreen the two.
Log file from BFB291 unit after uload attemp attached.
John K3NXU
Updated by Ali al-Azzawi over 12 years ago
Good result! ... log attached
Using a UV-5R (reports BFB291). Attached is the debug log running, chirp-daily-20121013.
Upload/download seems to work. Made some changes on channel listing, and seen the change work on the actual radio,
I've not done anything more ambitious than this, as I'm new to this radio. However, looking forward to doing things like extending the frequency range, as I'd like to Rx on airband.
Thanks for the good work.
Ali - M0PSI
Updated by Alex Simpson over 12 years ago
Upload and download seems to work well with 20120113. Attached is the debug log. Running uv5r, BFB291.
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug1019.log debug1019.log added
radio would not download with this version
added debug log
Updated by Danny Ozbirn over 12 years ago
- File debug10192.log debug10192.log added
The Last debug log may have been due to a usb problem this one has a missing block
Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to 0.3.0
- Platform changed from Windows to All
As of r1758, settings support should be restored for the newer firmware. I'm going to close this as done and we can open new bugs for additional issues as appropriate.
Updated by mert akça about 3 years ago
ben anlamamak bunları hangi klasöre atmak? video ile öğretsenize lütfen.ben var sıfır bilgi.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 3 years ago
- Model affected changed from UV5R to Baofeng UV-5R
Neyi kastettiğinden emin değilim?
I'm not sure what you are referring to?