



New Model #313


Alinco DR-635

Added by Joseph Purdie over 12 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

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Equipment Loan/Gift Offered:
I read the instructions above:


I would love to see the Alinco DR-635 supported. I have 3 of these radios and want to use CHIRP for programming.

Related issues 4 (0 open4 closed)

Has duplicate New Model #1311: ALinco DR-635Rejected12/18/2013

Has duplicate New Model #2083: Alinco DR-635Rejected11/29/2014

Has duplicate New Model #3971: Alinco DR-635Rejected08/29/2016

Has duplicate New Model #1845: Alinco DR-635Closed08/16/2014

Actions #1

Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Blocked

Blocked until a developer can lay hands on one.

Actions #2

Updated by Andres Plaza over 11 years ago

Dan, I have an Alinco 635T and I'm a software engineer. so I would love to help with this. Can you point me to documentation about developing a generic module for radios? Thanks.

Actions #3

Updated by Tom Hayward over 11 years ago

  • Chirp Version changed from 0.2.3 to 0.3.0
  • Equipment Loan/Gift Offered set to No

Check out source:chirp/ Although, for this radio you probably just need a sub-class in source:chirp/

Actions #4

Updated by Quentin C. over 9 years ago


Do you have any news with theses radios ?
I'm having two of them, and it would have been great to be able to use CHIRP with these !!



Actions #5

Updated by Richard Shaw over 9 years ago

Does this look like a reasonable first attempt to talk to the radio?

class DR635Radio(DRx35Radio):
    """Alinco DR635"""
    VENDOR = "Alinco"
    MODEL = "DR635T"

    _model = "DR635"
    _memsize = 8192
    _range = [(350000000, 174000000), (335000000,449000000)]
    _power_levels = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=5.00),
                     chirp_common.PowerLevel("Med", watts=20.00),
                     chirp_common.PowerLevel("High", watts=50.00)]

    def match_model(cls, filedata, filename):
        return len(filedata) == cls._memsize and \
            filedata[0x64] == chr(0x00) and filedata[0x65] == chr(0x00)

Actions #6

Updated by Andres Plaza over 5 years ago

I know that it has been a while, but life is getting in the way. So don't get too excited, but I have a question:

I was sniffing the USB traffic between the DR-635 and my computer, and I think I understand (somewhat) the banks and their structure. But the label of each memory bank baffles me: they are string of 6 characters, but they are stored in a somewhat cryptic way. For example:

is stored here (Hex):
30 33 43 33 41 34 35 34 35 33 32 34 36 30 30 46
that represent these characters:
0 3 C 3 A 4 5 4 5 3 2 4 6 0 0 F

is stored here (Hex):
30 33 43 33 41 34 35 34 35 33 37 33 30 30 30 46
that represent these characters:
0 3 C 3 A 4 5 4 5 3 7 3 0 0 0 F

is stored here (Hex):
30 34 37 35 30 34 43 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 46
that represent these characters:
0 4 7 5 0 4 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F

For both CALL2M and CALL70, you can see C, A, a double character (0x35, that I imagine represents the L) and the correct 5th character (2 or 7).
But what about the rest? And what are the other values in the middle?
And NWS does not seems to fit that pattern.
Ideas? :-)


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