Bug #2783
closedDaily Build 20150702 doesn't recognize multiple comm ports in Win 7/64
I was running daily build 20150312 on Win 7 64 bit with no issues. I have 3 genuine FTDI cables on comm 13, 17 and 17 each for a different radio and all with no issues in device mngr using FTDI driver I upgraded using chirp-daily-20150702-installer.exe to get support for the Baofeng UV82HP. When I did it only recognized comm 18. I downgraded back to 20150312 which I kept a copy of and all functions returned to normal. I used comm 13 for a download from a radio. Then I unplugged all cables and upgraded to 20150702 again and it listed comm 13 (the last used port) even though there was no such port active. I plugged in all cables again and it still only recognized comm 13. The single recognized ports in the upgrade did work when a cable was plugged in each time (18 then 13).
It seems that 20150702 only recognizes the last comm port used and no others in my environment. I worked with Jim Unroe on this through the Yahoo Groups following his suggestions to no avail.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Jim Unroe to Dan Smith
I have confirmed this. I had to fall back to CHIRP daily-20150616 before port detection started working for all 256 Windows COM ports. This probably coincides with the changes to the Windows build station that occurred recently. I have changed the Assignee to Dan because he is probably the only one that can fix this.
In the mean time, you have 3 choices.
Install an use the CHIRP daily-20150616 build. It has the UV-82HP support that you are looking for.
Use the latest CHIRP daily build and only assign ports from COM1 though COM9 to your programming cable. It is the ports from COM10 though COM256 that are not detected with the builds since 20150616.
Use the latest CHIRP daily build and type in the COM port manually (COM13, COM17, etc.). This will work for all ports (COM1 through COM256).
Updated by Cecil Rendon over 9 years ago
Any estimate yet which version will carry the resolution to this?
Updated by Alexey K over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
The code CHIRP updated initialization of COM ports whose number in the operating system was greater than 9.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 9 years ago
I moved my programming cable to COM100, installed the 20151013 daily build and when downloading, the correct COM port was detected and displayed. Thanks.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
This appears to be complete.