New Model #1393
closedYaesu FT-2600M
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I read the instructions above:
looking on the net it looks like YAESU
ADMS-2E FT-90/FT-2600 PROGRAM SOFTWARE is the same could you please tell me if it is the same
with chip software
thank you M1EQB
Updated by Tom Hayward about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Not a Chirp feature request. Try the mailing list.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to New Model
- Subject changed from would like to know to Yaesu FT-2600M
- Status changed from Rejected to Closed
- Priority changed from Low to Normal
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
- Equipment Loan/Gift Offered set to No
This is probably just a request for a new radio; however, it duplicates #1253. Please leave further comments there. Thanks.