



Bug #1365


Anytone frequency errors

Added by Dan Smith about 11 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


From #1031:

Updated by Ken Collier 31 minutes ago
File debug.log added
File ken_s frequs.img added

  1. When loading the attached image file channels 8-15 are not visible in the radio. However, if I do a clean read of the radio after programming, all of the channels show up in Chirp.

  2. Channels 50-56 are pre-programmed as NOAA WX by the manufacturer. However, when reading the radio with CHIRP these channels do not show as programmed.

  3. I attempted to overwrite the programming in channel 50 with 146.52 MHz simplex, as shown in the IMG file. After writing to the radio, channel 50 indeed shows up as 146.52 MHz. Channels 51-56 are still the manufacturer programmed NOAA weather channels. However, channel 25 now appears to be programmed (even though no data for 25 was entered in the IMG). The frequency for the channel appears as FF.FFFF on the radio's display.


ken_s frequs.img (32 KB) ken_s frequs.img Ken Collier, 01/10/2014 01:02 PM
debug.log (18.1 KB) debug.log Ken Collier, 01/10/2014 01:02 PM
debug.log (336 KB) debug.log Ken Collier, 01/13/2014 01:46 PM
test-img1.img (32 KB) test-img1.img Ken Collier, 01/13/2014 01:46 PM
ken_s frequs.csv (24.6 KB) ken_s frequs.csv Ken Collier, 01/13/2014 01:53 PM
debug.log (9.03 KB) debug.log Ken Collier, 01/13/2014 01:53 PM
Actions #2

Updated by Dan Smith about 11 years ago

The weather frequencies are definitely not stored in that image, which is ... interesting. If you delete channel 50 in chirp and upload the result, does it reappear in the radio's memory?

I'm wondering if this variant has some weird custom firmware that (a) throws the used/empty bits out of whack and auto-fills weather channels or something. Do the weather channels show up in the OEM programming software (or do you know)?

Actions #3

Updated by Dan Smith about 11 years ago

Also, what is in channels 99-112?

Actions #4

Updated by Ken Collier about 11 years ago

I currently have channel 50 programmed as 146.52 MHz. If I read from the radio, then delete the data for channel 50 in CHIRP, and then write back to the radio, the channel programming remains unchanged (146.52 MHz). It does not revert back to being programmed with NOAA WX channel 1.

Actions #5

Updated by Ken Collier about 11 years ago

Channels 99-112 are currently unprogrammed.

Updated by Ken Collier about 11 years ago

Thanks for making this work by the way! With the latest daily build (20140111) I am able to program the radio, but after a certain number of channels, the programmed channels no longer "show up" in the radio. For example, the attached IMG file contains 750 channels, each of which is programmed for 146.52 or 446.0 MHz simplex. When writing to the radio there are no errors. However, only channels 1-315 are actually usable in the radio. Channels 316-750 do not show up.

Updated by Ken Collier about 11 years ago

And here is another IMG file with ham channels for Orange, Riverside, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Venture, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Las Vegas areas plus some public safety, GMRS, MURS, marine, and aircraft channels: 467 total channels. Again, when programming there are no obvious errors but channels above 233 do not show up in the radio.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.

Actions #8

Updated by Dan Smith about 11 years ago

Thanks for the details Ken. It looks like this differs more significantly from the base Anytone radio than the other clones. I'll have to dig back into it when I get back from a trip. I suspect that the memories are grouped in some way so that after a certain number, there is a block of data, and then the rest of the memories continue, which would explain why it gets out of sync after a certain point.

Actions #9

Updated by Chris Kantarjiev over 9 years ago

Thanks for the support of this radio; I just tried to program two and find that I can only get channels 1-59 to "stick".

Happy to loan a radio if it helps.

Actions #10

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

This appears to be complete.


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