Bug #1355
openChirp dooes not populate the frequencies
I have opened CHIRP (blank page) Click on Radio, select Query Database, RepeaterBook. Afile appears with all the headers however the frequencies are all 00000and all other date I assume the defaults such as:none,88.5 88.5 23 NN (None)etc. I have aslo tried it by
I have tried downloading date for NM Albuquerque 70cm. Tried Texas ElPaso 2meter Also New Jersey 70 cm with the same results. The Radio us a UV 5R I do have the frequencies for Las Vegas because a fellow ham sent me his file I opened CHIRP clicked open and selected the file my friend sent me It opens 1 tab then I tried Radio, Querry Data RepeaterBook the program opens another tab with the same results (no frquencies)I have also tried different CHIRP releases, right now I;m on the stable recommended. I have tried cliking New Radio etc a file appears with the tab called Generic CSV untitledcsv with 1 frequency on channel 0 146.0100 I then click on Radio Querry RadioBook another tab appears called RepeaterBook: X with the same result 00000 on the frqencies.
The debug log for the last one follows.
I hope this helps thanks much.
Updated by Dan Smith about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
You're listing towns, not counties. Can you please verify a specific county you have tried? If I select Texas, El Paso County, and 2m, I get 15 results.
Updated by Agustin Torres about 11 years ago
I did itthat way. There is no way to select the city, you select the county.It is what I selected. Therein is the problem that a friend can download the frquencies to his spread sheet but it will not work on my computer. Are there any settings that must be checked etc? I sent the debug log, is there any findings in the log?
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
- Chirp Version changed from 0.3.0 to daily
- Model affected changed from (All models) to RepeaterBook
There were a number of updates on RepeaterBook and in Chirp since you posted this. Have you tried with a recent version?