Bug #1309
closed[UV-B6] ANI PTT-ID code does not accept model-accepted characters
The UV-B6 I own supports 6 alphanumeric characters [0-9,A-F] in ANI. CHIRP displays 'Invalid setting value: Value contains invalid character: (character)' on any character outside the range [0-9,A-D]. The characters E and F are supported by the radio but CHIRP doesn't believe they are.
NOTE: The UV-B5 supports only 5 characters; the UV-B6 supports 6.
Updated by Jim Unroe about 11 years ago
- Assignee set to Jim Unroe
- Target version set to 0.4.0
- Platform changed from Linux to All
A patch to add the * and # characters as valid DTMF signals has been submitted.
The UV-B5 and UV-B6 are identical programming wise. They both accept 6-characters for the PTT-ID
Updated by M B about 11 years ago
DTMF * and #?
My bug was related to ANI, not DTMF.
Updated by Jim Unroe about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
What do you think the PTT-ID (aka ANI) of the UV-B5/UV-B6 is? Here is what I think it is.
The PTT-ID is a group 1 to 6 characters where each character represents one the 16 DTMF signals (0 through 9, A through D and the newly added * and #).
This single PTT-ID can then be programmed to either be enabled or disabled on a per-channel basis.
A global PTT-ID setting determines when the PTT-ID is transmitted:
- BOT (beginning of transmission)
- EOT (end of transmission)
- both BOT and EOT.
This is very similar to all other Chinese radios that I have dealt with.
I had overlooked that the UV-B5/UV-B6 was capable of using the DTMF * and # signals in the PTT-ID because the OEM software wouldn't accept those characters and because the keys on the radio's keypad that send them are not labeled. The issue that you submitted caused me to realize that even though the OEM software wouldn't allow the use of all 16 DTMF signals, the radio was still capable of sending them all. Here is how the DTMF alpha and symbol characters are mapped to the UV-B5/UV-B6 keypad.
A = [MENU]
B = [{up arrow}]
C = [{down arrow}]
D = [AB{enter}]
- = [VM/SCAN] # = [FM]
Updated by M B about 11 years ago
Thanks for the background on this. Admittedly I didn't know specifically how it functioned ... I thought it more along the lines of sub-audible tones a la CTCSS or DCS, as I hadn't used it before. I merely saw the discrepancy in the way the settings were handled and thought to report it.
After reading your update I went back and enabled it on one of my radios and monitored it with another one. Sure enough, DTMF. :)
Thanks for the background and clarification, and now I know.
Have a good one.
Updated by Tom Hayward about 11 years ago
The detail I missed is that you report
characters E and F are supported by the radio
but Jim implemented * and # as the two additional characters. If the radio is calling them E and F, why don't we label them the same way? Isn't it going to cause confusion when someone programs @#67@ with Chirp and the radio shows F67? Or is this not how it works?
Updated by Jim Unroe about 11 years ago
The UV-B5 and UV-B6 transmit DTMF signals for the PTT-ID. There are no E or F DTMF signals.
The * and # DTMF characters are shown as E and F in the radio's display because the display is incapable of displaying either * or #.
If E or F is programmed in any of the 6 positions of the PTT-ID using the radio's keypad (* or # using CHIRP) and then read from the radio into the Baofeng software, the leftmost position containing an E or F and all trailing characters are disregarded. The OEM software not let you key an E or F into the PTT-ID. It will allow you to key in * and #. But the leftmost position containing a * or # and all positions to the right will not be uploaded to the radio.
I called them * and # because that is the DTMF signals that are transmitted and likely what they will be called when a dispatcher assigns a PTT-ID to be used in the radio.
Updated by Tom Hayward about 11 years ago
Ok, I understand now: the only place E and F is used is in the dysfunctional radio display.