Feature #113
closedPaste memory could adapt power level when copying from different radio
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I read the instructions above:
As of today when you paste a memory, with a power level which is not supported in destination radio, operation fails with a message.
Eg. copy from ft8900 memory with power "Hi" to vx7 fails because it does not support 50W
It would be nice if chirp rounds the power level to the nearest supported one, possibly with an information message to the user.
Updated by Dan Smith almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Filippi Marco
- Target version set to 0.2.2
Fixed, thanks!
If you could do some testing on it first, I'd appreciate it, and then I'd like to pull this into 0.2.2.
Updated by Filippi Marco almost 13 years ago
Test done: all seems to work as expected.
I think we can close this