Bug #10953
openTM-D710_clonemode download settings give error
Using the updated tmd710.py module from #10775, the memories and memory properties download with no issue. However, when clicking on the settings tab, I get a "list index out of range" error. The downloaded .img file is attached. Please let me know if you need a log file.
Updated by Dan Smith over 1 year ago
Terry, can you tell me what the radio thinks the value of "WX alert scan memory time (Mins)" is? That's the one setting out of range for the list we think it should be. Our list is ["Off", "15", "30", "60"]
so yours must be set to something other than one of those? If there are more options in the radio, can you list them for me?
Updated by Terry Hoffman over 1 year ago
Dan, in the Kenwood software, I see a checkbox for "Wx station Tx" and a drop down selection for "Wx Tx interval [mins]" with 5, 10, 30, and 60. In the file I sent, the checkbox is not selected and the interval is 5 minutes.
Updated by Terry Hoffman over 1 year ago
- File Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page1.png Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page1.png added
- File Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page2.png Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page2.png added
- File Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page3.png Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page3.png added
- File Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page4.png Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page4.png added
- File Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page5.png Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page5.png added
- File Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page6.png Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page6.png added
- File Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page7.png Menu_APRS_NAVITRA_Page7.png added
- File Menu_TransmitReceive.png Menu_TransmitReceive.png added
Dan, whatever you changed now makes it work. However, I think the definition of that parameter is not what you think it is. In the Kenwood software, it is not found in the Menu - Transmit/Receive with the Wx Alert A or B selection. It is found in the Menu - APRS/NAVITRA menu item which does not show up in the chirp settings. I have attached the snapshots for you. That parameter is for transmitting Wx station information connected to the radio over APRS.