Bug #10909
closedYaesu ft-450 and (FT-450AT?) does not work with chirp. FT-450d listed but not FT450.
When attempting to read the radio using FT-450D profile, get error communicating with radio, "Failed to communicate with radio. Unable to read block 0, expected 6 got 4"
I see in the logs the baud rate is set to 38400, do I have to change the radio setting or is this overridden for cloning? I did try resetting the cat rate to 38400, but got the same error.
Using a trial copy of serial port monitor, the following bytes were received at 38400bps: 00 9d 98 35 .˜s
I have included a copy of the serial monitor display if that helps.
Would love to see the .py file for the FT-450D to see if there is something obvious to play with.
Updated by William Curlew over 1 year ago
Sorry, the received string ended with a 5, not an s (Made typo while editing.)
Updated by Dan Smith over 1 year ago
This one will be harder for me to help you with, but the original driver author for this one is still around and slowly working on fixing some of its issues, so hopefully he'll have a look here.
Updated by Dan Smith over 1 year ago
Sorry I just saw your other question. All the code is here, so knock yourself out: https://github.com/kk7ds/chirp :)
Updated by William Curlew over 1 year ago
Modified the .py file to allow the "short" first ID block (4 vs 6 bytes). Attached is an example of the clone stream from my FT-450. Hopefully this will make sense to the original writer. I will continue to research this.
Updated by William Curlew over 1 year ago
OOPs hit submit instead of choose files... Duh
Updated by William Curlew over 1 year ago
- File Yaesu_FT-450D_20231023_reallyFT450.img Yaesu_FT-450D_20231023_reallyFT450.img added
- File chirp_debug-9o0zjd_r.txt chirp_debug-9o0zjd_r.txt added
Here is a clean debug log and the image it sorta created.
Other than the first block, the other blocks of data seem to be the right size. I decoded memory position 1, and the 27 byte structure looked good to me. Funny there is nothing in the GUI for most of the memories, though the last bunch of memories are only off about 2 bytes in the names. The actual names are TGA through TGO for memories 486-500.
On the radio, memories populated are: 1, 11-15, 41-45, 51-54, 62, 64-65, 101, 137, 157-159, 174, 173, 201, 203, 211, 246, 268, 295,486-500
P1L is 3.500.00 lsb
P1U is 4.000.00 lsb
P2L is 28.300.00 usb
P2U is 29.700.00 usb
If you need more info just update the ticket when you get it.
Updated by William Curlew over 1 year ago
- File chirp_debug-29m0ly_k.txt chirp_debug-29m0ly_k.txt added
- File ft450d.py ft450d.py added
OK, so I made some pretty good progress. Reducing the inital block count threw off all the other counts in the structure. I reduced them by 2, and I'm getting all the memories now on the gui. Not all the data is perfect, but this is good progress.
Here is the modified PY file, an image, and the debug log from when it was loaded.
The P1L/u and P2L/U are not showing up, I don't understand how they are offset yet, but will keep digging.
Also, I use the USB U data mode (User-U?) and that is not working, as is shown in the debug log.
Hope this gets you a good jump on supporting the native FT-450 and 450AT!
Also, could you tell me if there are changes to make to the py file to cause a new radio type to show on the dropdown list, or is this external to the PY file? I sort of expect you have to add new items to the list separately and then have them point to the appropriate py file, but thought I'd ask anyway.
Updated by William Curlew over 1 year ago
- File ft450d.py ft450d.py added
- File Yaesu_FT-450D_20231024_FT450_memories_and_PMS_displaying.img Yaesu_FT-450D_20231024_FT450_memories_and_PMS_displaying.img added
F1gured out the issue with the PMS limits not displaying. The FT450 uses a single bit to expose the 4 PMS memories, and does not populate the "filled" byte at all. Modified the py to just test the first visible bit, and scrapped the filled test. More work will have to be done on the output side, but this was the main issue.
Remember all these changes are specific to the FT-450, NOT the D model.
Updated by William Curlew over 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset github|935507f120a55f4619244fee3134e7d4488c6b38.