



New Model #10880


Wouxun KG-Q336/332

Added by Kevin S over 1 year ago. Updated about 9 hours ago.

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I read the instructions above:



On the request of Mel I've made this request for the Q336 and Q332, as i suspect the 332 has the same memory mapping as the stock software is for the 332.

Mel's beta for the Q10H allows me to download, read, edit, and upload frequencies to the radio. However I can't access the settings because of a NoneType object error (see attached debug log)

I can't lend out my radio but I'm more than happy to be active in the development, uploading logs and whatever else I could provide to be of help.


chirp_debug-vg2ax0gl.txt (592 KB) chirp_debug-vg2ax0gl.txt Kevin S, 10/03/2023 08:02 AM
Wouxun_KG-Q10H_20231011.img (32.2 KB) Wouxun_KG-Q10H_20231011.img Kevin S, 10/11/2023 01:47 PM
kgq10h with S65 and Q33x (223 KB) kgq10h with S65 and Q33x Test driver for Q332/6 for channels only (NO SETTINGS) Mel Terechenok, 02/22/2025 08:15 PM
Wouxun_KG-Q332_Q336 channels only_20250223.img (32.2 KB) Wouxun_KG-Q332_Q336 channels only_20250223.img Nikos SY1EBE, 02/22/2025 10:31 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate New Model #11547: Wouxun KGQ-332Rejected09/17/2024

Actions #1

Updated by Kevin S over 1 year ago

Specifically "SCANMODE_LIST[_settings. IndexError: list index out of range*"

Kevin S wrote:

Mel's beta for the Q10H allows me to download, read, edit, and upload frequencies to the radio. However I can't access the settings because of a NoneType object error (see attached debug log)

Actions #2

Updated by Tony Fuller over 1 year ago

Hi Kevin,

If you attach the img file that CHIRP downloaded, others can take a look without the radio.


Actions #3

Updated by Kevin S over 1 year ago

Tony Fuller wrote in #note-2:

Hi Kevin,

If you attach the img file that CHIRP downloaded, others can take a look without the radio.


Noted, and attached

Actions #4

Updated by Mel Terechenok over 1 year ago · Edited

The image posted clearly shows many issues with using the Q10H driver on the 336/332 radio.

First - the Scan Group name has an invalid character in a scan name Åkeri- the Å is not a valid character in Chirp base ASCII character set being used by the driver. Change it to Akeri and it will be ok. I tried using Åkeri in the Top Message and Area Message on the Q10H and the radio does not display it correctly - either using Chinese Characters or displaying a default value instead.

But beyond that - I don't believe the 332 has the same memory map for settings as the Q10H.
I found 3 settings (stopped looking after that) that have values outside the expected ranges of the Q10H settings expected at the location (meaning they are likely values for different settings). Scanmode, PowerOnMessage and DTMF Sidetone (likely many more).

As I mentioned before - the driver will need to be updated with a memory map for the specific 336/332 radio for Chirp to ever work with it.

Unless/until someone determines / provides a map the 336/332 will not be usable with Chirp.

Because of this, I have disabled the Q10H/Q10G driver from allowing access to the Q336/Q332 radio memories to protect the users from potentially corrupting their radio memory.

Actions #5

Updated by Mikko Nahkola 19 days ago

Got another of these here, a Q336. Can't send it very far but would be nice to get it supported, so if there's anything (non-destructive) I could do locally here, I'd be willing to try to help.

Also kind of funny how even the "native" Wouxun software doesn't differentiate between the -2 and -6 versions much...

Actions #6

Updated by Mel Terechenok about 23 hours ago · Edited

  • File kgq10h with S65 and Q33x added
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50
  • I read the instructions above set to Yes

Here is a test driver for the Q332/Q336 that provides access to the channels only - No settings other than oem info

How to load test drivers

Actions #7

Updated by Mel Terechenok about 11 hours ago

Updated to resolve Beta1 error on upload

Actions #8

Updated by Mel Terechenok about 11 hours ago

  • File deleted (kgq10h with S65 and Q33x
Actions #9

Updated by Nikos SY1EBE about 9 hours ago

Mel Terechenok wrote in #note-6:

Here is a test driver for the Q332/Q336 that provides access to the channels only - No settings other than oem info

How to load test drivers

img read with kgq10h with S65 and Q33x 20250223


Also available in: Atom PDF