Feature #10587
closedYaesu FT-70D Mode Type Error When Downloading From Repeaterbook
When you import a repeater list from Repeaterbook into CHIRP for a Yaesu FT-70D, any repeaters that are System Fusion capable are imported as mode "DN." However, the FT-70D template in CHIRP calls this "FMN" (for mode FM Narrow). This is the same thing, but causes CHIRP to not import those repeater records. CHRIP should be updated to recognize that "DN" from Repeaterbook is the same as "FMN" in CHRIP.
Note, this was using the "Radio"/"Query Source"/"Repeaterbook" method
Updated by Dan Smith almost 2 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #8917: Yaesu FT-70 Mode missing added
Updated by Dan Smith almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
No, it shouldn't. The FT-70 driver needs to be fixed to support DN mode properly, like the FT1, 2, 3, etc drivers. I don't have one so I can't do it myself, but someone else (eventually) will. Also, FMN in chirp is 2.5kHz deviation, which (AFAIK) isn't what SystemFusion repeaters want. FM in chirp means standard 5kHz deviation which what 99% of all amateur stuff runs.
As a workaround, you can File->New to get a blank CSV tab, copy from the Repeaterbook query, paste to the CSV tab, change to FM, then copy/paste that into your FT-70.