



Feature #10298


VX-6 driver cross mode support

Added by Will G about 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


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next (py3)
Model affected:
I read the instructions above:


I'm basing this off an original bug report I created here:

Based off Dan's comment, the VX-6R driver does not currently support cross mode. I could use it if anyone wants to work on it.


Screen Recording 2023-01-19 at 2.25.48 (1.76 MB) Screen Recording 2023-01-19 at 2.25.48 Will G, 01/19/2023 11:45 PM
chirp_debug-pj2kioo7.txt (35.4 KB) chirp_debug-pj2kioo7.txt Will G, 01/19/2023 11:46 PM
Screenshot 2023-01-19 at 2.17.59 PM.png (56.9 KB) Screenshot 2023-01-19 at 2.17.59 PM.png Will G, 01/19/2023 11:46 PM
chirp_vx-6r.img (32 KB) chirp_vx-6r.img Will G, 01/21/2023 11:51 PM (29.1 KB) Dan Smith, 01/22/2023 12:25 AM
Screenshot 2023-01-22 at 4.48.43 PM.png (34.4 KB) Screenshot 2023-01-22 at 4.48.43 PM.png Will G, 01/22/2023 11:49 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

If you want to try to help generate an image for this I can try to do it in the blind.

  1. Go to VFO mode, dial up something simple, like 146.000, turn off as many features as you can (no tone, no shift, etc)
  2. Store that in a memory
  3. Do nothing else other than set D CODE mode, store that in a memory
  4. Do nothing else other than set T DCS mode, store that in a memory
  5. Do nothing else other than set D TONE mode, store that in a memory
  6. Do nothing else other than power the radio off
  7. Download the image
  8. Tell me that memories you used in each step 2,3,4,5 (bonus points if they're sequential, double bonus if they're 1-4)

Attach that here and I can try to have a look.

Actions #2

Updated by Will G about 2 years ago

I can definitely help out with this. I should have time tomorrow to pull that image and post it here.

Thanks for the help!

It's also worth noting that I goofed the title, and it should read "VX-6R", but I think everyone knows that at this point :)

Actions #3

Updated by Will G about 2 years ago

Hi Dan,

Sorry for the delay, but I finally had time to create the image you asked for.

I used 144.000 Mhz since that was the default,
1) plain frequency
2) D CODE mode
3) T DCS mode
4) D TONE mode

Let me know if there's anything else I can do. Thanks!

Actions #4

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

Great, thanks, can you try this module? Enable developer functions in the help menu, then after restart, File->Load Module and choose this file.

Also, could you do another image with a channel set to 1750Hz (european standard)? I think I've identified which bit that is, but I might as well comment it in the code while I'm here if so.

Actions #5

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

1750 is described in page 32 of the manual, btw:

Actions #6

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

Actually, now that I read that again, I'm not sure that's stored in the channel (it doesn't describe it that way) so nevermind I guess. There's one enumeration not covered by the three supported cross modes, and I figured maybe that was it. So yeah, just ignore.

Actions #7

Updated by Will G about 2 years ago

Hi Dan,

This is looking better. It looks like Tone->DTCS, and DTCS->Tone are now valid cross modes. In my case, I need a Tone->Tone cross mode (I do have a workaround, but RX CTCSS would help cut down on random signals).

I didn't have time to upload, but can try that soon.


Also, let me know if you change your mind and do want a 1750Hz image.

Actions #8

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

Unfortunately the radio can't do Tone->Tone, there's no way for us to add it. It literally only has one spot for a tone value in each memory, which is why you can't select it in the radio itself, and why the manual doesn't describe that as an option.

I figured out the other index value, it's RV TN so I'm good, but thanks. I'll get this into the main build soon.

Actions #9

Updated by Will G about 2 years ago

Interesting! Thanks for the clarification, and all your work on chirp!

Actions #10

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Dan Smith
  • Target version set to chirp-py3

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