



Bug #10163


winget only installs version 20221025

Added by Bryan Harper about 2 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

Target version:
Start date:
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I read the instructions above:


The download url in winget for chirp.chirp is
This is preventing upgrading to new daily versions of CHIRP from winget.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Bug #11322: CHIRP on Windows needs to show its version in "Programs and Features/Apps & Features" (registry subkey needs to be added by installer) to make it fully compatible with package managers like wingetRejected04/27/2024

Actions #1

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

I dunno where that gets set or what it needs to be set to. So, please explain like I'm a non-windows user ('cause I'm not).

Actions #2

Updated by Bryan Harper about 2 years ago

From an updated Windows 10, launch CMD or Powershell as an administrator.
Type "winget upgrade" to list all software that has a new version listed in the winget database. Type "winget upgrade chirp.chirp" to update only Chirp or "winget upgrade --all" to install all available upgrades.

Type "winget show chirp.chirp" and you get the following.
"C:\Windows\system32>winget show chirp.chirp
Version: daily-20221025
Publisher: CHIRP
Publisher Url:
Publisher Support Url:
Author: Dan Smith KK7DS with significant contributions from Tom KD7LXL, Marco IZ3GME, Jim KC9HI.
Description: A free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio / ham radio transceiver.
License: GPL-3.0
License Url:
Copyright Url:
Type: nullsoft
Download Url:
SHA256: 9b7330e903e68eeda9d24b27e0e6b8438c426eed7ad238a9cc00b55a0eba62bb"

The download Url is pointing to a specific verison of chirp. So winget will only download or update to that specific version of chirp. daily-20221025

If I type in "winget upgrade" it will list any software that shows a newer version available for download. e.g. Gimp. If I run the command "winget upgrade" and find there is an updated version of Gimp available. I can type in "winget update gimp.gimp" a quiet or unattended install of Gimp will install.

Actions #3

Updated by Bryan Harper about 2 years ago

Actions #4

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

Okay, but... I dunno how "winget" knows where to download chirp. If someone has taught winget about about chirp, I don't know who that is.

Actions #5

Updated by Tony Fuller about 2 years ago

I had no idea winget was a thing for windows. It looks useful, thanks for sharing :)

With that said, it looks like obtaining CHIRP via winget is a community maintained effort hosted at

Since it's hosted on I think anyone could set up a github action to automate sending a PR for the latest version.

Actions #6

Updated by Martin Cooper about 2 years ago

Yeah, Tony is right, someone would need to set up a GitHub action or something to keep this up to date. Since winget uses hardcoded Chirp daily build dates (currently 20221207), the manifest needs to be updated each time there's a new Chirp daily build. It looks like it takes a few days from submitting a PR to winget and the update making it into a winget build, so it'll always be a bit behind.

Actions #7

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Gonna mark this as rejected since it's not a bug in chirp or our build system.

Actions #8

Updated by Radosław Lewandowski about 1 year ago

"What method does winget use to determine app version? I would have expected it to query the properties of the program, but that does not seem to be the case, as winget shows the version as unknown for GPU-Z (techpowerup.gpu-z), while the actual application executable properties show for both Product Version and File Version.

It uses the ARP (Add and Remove Programs) information, which then is tied to the Registry keys. This is nothing new so this is the Developers fault."

You guys need to make CHIRP show its version in registry. Then winget would be able to show the correct version. To automate sending a PR for the latest version is different topic - I will take care of it.

Actions #9

Updated by Dan Smith 10 months ago

  • Has duplicate Bug #11322: CHIRP on Windows needs to show its version in "Programs and Features/Apps & Features" (registry subkey needs to be added by installer) to make it fully compatible with package managers like winget added

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