



Bug #10148


Unable to pull any channels from RepeaterBook

Added by Matt S over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Target version:
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Chirp Version:
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Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


when I try and Query data or import. it will only show "no channels found" for any area or any type of search. I'm not sure if this is a new bug but I have tried several different revisions.


error.PNG (8.15 KB) error.PNG Matt S, 12/02/2022 03:28 AM
debug.log (29.7 KB) debug.log Matt S, 12/02/2022 04:29 AM
debug.log (29.9 KB) debug.log Matt S, 12/02/2022 05:19 AM
debug.log (32.6 KB) debug.log Nathanael L, 12/02/2022 05:28 AM
Actions #2

Updated by Matt S over 2 years ago

Actions #3

Updated by Dan Smith over 2 years ago

Your debug log doesn't include a query being made. I'm guessing you restarted chirp between your query attempt and capture.

Anyway, I just tried to query for my area and I'm getting no results because repeaterbook is returning 403. You didn't say, but I assume you're talking about repeaterboook?

I'll check with the owner, but maybe there's maintenance going on or something. Either way, it doesn't appear to be a problem with chirp.

Actions #4

Updated by Matt S over 2 years ago

okay, I tried to follow the guide maybe I uploaded the incorrect debug. when I do a search on the repeaterbook site it comes up.

Actions #5

Updated by Dan Smith over 2 years ago

Yeah, that log has the right stuff in it and looks like what I experience as well. Chirp uses a different interface to query repeaterbook than you do via the browser, so it's not really the same.

I've reached out to the owner of the site.

Actions #6

Updated by Nathanael L over 2 years ago

I have the same issue, unable to query anything from RepeaterBook.

Actions #7

Updated by Matt S over 2 years ago

Thanks alot I await the response from repeterbook.

Actions #8

Updated by Matt S over 2 years ago

Thanks alot I await the response from repeterbook.

Actions #9

Updated by Dan Smith over 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from Unable to pull any channels to Unable to pull any channels from RepeaterBook
  • Status changed from New to Closed

The owner fixed the issue. I confirm it's working now. Should be good for you as well.


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