Bug #10080
closedRT622: Unable to import or export after first export
I have successfully used older versions of Chirp to edit frequencies in Retevis RT622 devices. With daily-20221012 I was able to import and export once. Any further attempts to import or export from the radio is denied with an error message. I appears that an ID is wrong somewhere are the error message while importing is "Radio identification failed."
Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago
- File retevis_rt22_incorrect_model_id.py retevis_rt22_incorrect_model_id.py added
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
Something has changed the identification string for your radio to something that CHIRP doesn't recognize.
I have modified the RT22 driver module in a way that should all CHIRP to temporarily download from/upload to your radio. Please test the attached custom driver module to see if it works for your radio.
Here is how you use the custom driver module.
save the custom driver module to a convenient location (DO NOT RIGHT-CLICK THE LINK. Left-click the link and then on the page that loads, left-click the download link near the top left corner.)¶
click Help¶
enable Enable Developer Functions¶
click File¶
click Load Module¶
locate and load custom driver module that was saved in step 1¶
The CHIRP background will now be red to indicate it is running with a externally loaded driver module. You can now test the custom driver module.
Test by downloading from your radio. Once you obtain a successful download, save it, unedited, to a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file and attach it to this issue. Once I have this "image" I can determine the best path forward from here.
Note: The test driver module does not permanently change your CHIRP installation in any way. Every time you load CHIRP you must load this driver module to have access to its fixes or added features.
Updated by Björn Mohr over 2 years ago
I get "Unable to load module: invalid syntax (retevis_rt22_incorrect_model_id.py, line 1)" error when loading the module.
The screen turns red but no joy.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago
Björn Mohr wrote:
I get "Unable to load module: invalid syntax (retevis_rt22_incorrect_model_id.py, line 1)" error when loading the module.
The screen turns red but no joy.
What you have done is downloaded the web page that the actual download link for the driver module is on, not the driver module itself. This is because you did not follow an important part of step 1 (repeated below).
(DO NOT RIGHT-CLICK THE LINK. Left-click the link and then on the page that loads, left-click the download link near the top left corner.)
Updated by Björn Mohr over 2 years ago
Haha, sorry Jim - my bad!
Now it works as expected. I can both D/L and U/L the image.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago
Björn Mohr wrote:
Haha, sorry Jim - my bad!
Now it works as expected. I can both D/L and U/L the image.
Great. I also requested that you attach your first successful download to this issue. Please do this so I can use it to determine if there is a better fix for the problem.
Updated by Björn Mohr over 2 years ago
Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to In Progress
- Assignee set to Jim Unroe
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
Thank you for the file. I will look at this later today.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Patch submitted. Support will be in the next CHIRP daily build following acceptance.
Updated by Anonymous over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Applied in changeset commit:17d5c4292fdb.
Updated by Dan Smith 6 months ago
- Related to Bug #11532: Bug reading from Retevis RT622 - looks similar to issue 10080 added