


Bug #11815 » debug_log.txt

Derf Mockford, 02/08/2025 04:26 AM

[2025-02-08 11:25:12,225] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP next-20250207 on Win32 (Unknown 10.0:19044) (Python 3.10.8)
[2025-02-08 11:25:13,832] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Using locale: en_GB (274)
[2025-02-08 11:25:13,896] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=False for CHIRP: en_GB (bg_BG,de,el,en_US,es,fr,hu,it,ja_JP,nl,pl,pt_BR,ru,tr_TR,uk_UA,zh_CN) from C:\Program Files (x86)\CHIRP\chirp\locale
[2025-02-08 11:25:13,979] chirp.wxui - DEBUG: Translation loaded=False for wxstd: en_GB (af,an,ar,ca,ca@valencia,co,cs,da,de,el,es,eu,fa_IR,fi,fr,gl_ES,hi,hr,hu,id,it,ja,ka,ko_KR,lt,lv,ms,nb,ne,nl,pl,pt,pt_BR,ro,ru,sk,sl,sq,sv,ta,tr,uk,vi,zh_CN,zh_TW)
[2025-02-08 11:25:16,075] main - INFO: Python/3.10.8 // Windows/Windows-10-10.0.19044-SP0 // CHIRP/next-20250207 // wx/4.2.0 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.2.0
[2025-02-08 11:25:16,513] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf SE Jaktradio 155MHz.csv because same name found in user dir: File is changed
[2025-02-08 11:25:16,533] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US CA Railroad Channels.csv because same name found in user dir: File is changed
[2025-02-08 11:25:16,549] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US FRS and GMRS Channels.csv because same name found in user dir: File is changed
[2025-02-08 11:25:16,568] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Ignoring dist stock conf US Marine VHF Channels.csv because same name found in user dir: File is changed
[2025-02-08 11:25:16,569] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Recent is now ['C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6_radio 9 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 13.33 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 13.22 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 13.00 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 17.01 _20250204.img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6 manual\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 17.01 _20250204.img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6 manual\\Baofeng_UV-6_blank after older program load 20250204.img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6 manual\\Baofeng_UV-6_original (9) 20250204.img']
[2025-02-08 11:25:17,038] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Server reports next-20250207 is latest
[2025-02-08 11:25:39,910] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Doing open from 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6_radio 9 7-2-2025 .img'
[2025-02-08 11:25:39,914] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Loaded metadata: {'mem_extra': {}, 'rclass': 'DynamicRadioAlias', 'vendor': 'Baofeng', 'model': 'UV-6', 'variant': '', 'chirp_version': 'next-20250131'}
[2025-02-08 11:25:39,916] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Loaded metadata: {'mem_extra': {}, 'rclass': 'DynamicRadioAlias', 'vendor': 'Baofeng', 'model': 'UV-6', 'variant': '', 'chirp_version': 'next-20250131'}
[2025-02-08 11:25:39,916] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Parsed version 'next-20250131' to (0,)
[2025-02-08 11:25:39,916] chirp.chirp_common - DEBUG: Parsed version 'next-20250207' to (0,)
[2025-02-08 11:25:40,044] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: File exists in recent, moving to front
[2025-02-08 11:25:40,045] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Recent is now ['C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6_radio 9 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 13.33 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 13.22 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 13.00 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 17.01 _20250204.img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6 manual\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 17.01 _20250204.img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6 manual\\Baofeng_UV-6_blank after older program load 20250204.img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6 manual\\Baofeng_UV-6_original (9) 20250204.img']
[2025-02-08 11:25:40,230] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column bcl as ChirpFlagColumn
[2025-02-08 11:25:40,234] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column pttid as ChirpChoiceColumn
[2025-02-08 11:25:40,236] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column scode as ChirpChoiceColumn
[2025-02-08 11:42:46,314] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: All system ports: [{'device': 'COM1', 'name': 'COM1', 'description': 'Communications Port (COM1)', 'hwid': 'ACPI\\PNP0501\\1', 'vid': None, 'pid': None, 'serial_number': None, 'location': None, 'manufacturer': 'LG Electronics Inc.', 'product': None, 'interface': None}, {'device': 'COM8', 'name': 'COM8', 'description': 'USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM8)', 'hwid': 'USB VID:PID=1A86:7523 SER= LOCATION=1-1', 'vid': 6790, 'pid': 29987, 'serial_number': '', 'location': '1-1', 'manufacturer': '', 'product': None, 'interface': None}]
[2025-02-08 11:42:46,453] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Automatically chose port COM8 as it is last-used for Baofeng:UV-6
[2025-02-08 11:44:02,174] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: All system ports: [{'device': 'COM1', 'name': 'COM1', 'description': 'Communications Port (COM1)', 'hwid': 'ACPI\\PNP0501\\1', 'vid': None, 'pid': None, 'serial_number': None, 'location': None, 'manufacturer': 'LG Electronics Inc.', 'product': None, 'interface': None}, {'device': 'COM1', 'name': 'COM1', 'description': 'USB Serial Port (COM1)', 'hwid': 'USB VID:PID=0403:6001 SER=AB0OYW4CA', 'vid': 1027, 'pid': 24577, 'serial_number': 'AB0OYW4CA', 'location': None, 'manufacturer': 'FTDI', 'product': None, 'interface': None}]
[2025-02-08 11:44:02,182] chirp.wxui.clone - WARNING: Last port 'COM8' is unavailable, defaulting to ('COM1', 'COM1: Communications Port (COM1)')
[2025-02-08 11:44:02,317] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Port COM8 not in current list
[2025-02-08 11:44:02,319] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: No recent/available port for Baofeng:UV-6
[2025-02-08 11:44:23,712] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Using port 'COM1'
[2025-02-08 11:44:23,712] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Selected <class 'chirp.drivers.uv5r.BaofengUV6Radio'>
[2025-02-08 11:44:23,737] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Showing pre_download prompt
[2025-02-08 11:44:25,429] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Setting flag for prompt pre_download
[2025-02-08 11:44:25,448] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Serial opened: Serial<id=0x2a9803c23b0, open=True>(port='COM1', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.25, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False) (rts=True dtr=True)
[2025-02-08 11:44:25,451] chirp.wxui.clone - DEBUG: Recorded last-used port COM1 for Baofeng:UV-6
[2025-02-08 11:44:25,456] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Sending Magic: 000: 50 bb ff 20 12 08 23 P.....#.

[2025-02-08 11:44:25,589] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Valid response, got this:
[2025-02-08 11:44:25,589] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: 000: aa 01 01 36 01 74 01 04 ...6.t..
008: 00 05 20 dd ........

[2025-02-08 11:44:25,777] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: downloading main block...
[2025-02-08 11:44:42,049] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: done.
[2025-02-08 11:44:42,049] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: done.
[2025-02-08 11:44:42,402] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Saved download backup to C:\Users\New User\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\backups\Baofeng_UV-6_download_20250208T114442.img
[2025-02-08 11:44:42,525] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Backup Yaesu_FT-4XR_20240216T094242.img will be pruned soon
[2025-02-08 11:44:42,525] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Backup Yaesu_FT-4XE_20240216T104231.img will be pruned soon
[2025-02-08 11:44:42,526] chirp.wxui.main - INFO: Backup Yaesu_FT-4XE_20240218T101954.img will be pruned soon
[2025-02-08 11:44:42,671] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column bcl as ChirpFlagColumn
[2025-02-08 11:44:42,674] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column pttid as ChirpChoiceColumn
[2025-02-08 11:44:42,677] chirp.wxui.memedit - DEBUG: Adding mem.extra column scode as ChirpChoiceColumn
[2025-02-08 12:06:56,332] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Saving to C:\Users\New User\Desktop\Baofeng UV-6\UV6UV7_CPS\Baofeng_UV-6_20250208.img
[2025-02-08 12:06:56,342] chirp.wxui.main - DEBUG: Recent is now ['C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\UV6UV7_CPS\\Baofeng_UV-6_20250208.img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6_radio 9 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 13.33 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 13.22 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 13.00 7-2-2025 .img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 17.01 _20250204.img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6 manual\\Baofeng_UV-6 tests at 17.01 _20250204.img', 'C:\\Users\\New User\\Desktop\\Baofeng UV-6 manual\\Baofeng_UV-6_blank after older program load 20250204.img']
[2025-02-08 12:08:55,814] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page start
[2025-02-08 12:08:55,831] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page creds
[2025-02-08 12:08:55,868] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page existbug
[2025-02-08 12:08:55,873] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page update
[2025-02-08 12:10:18,476] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page start
[2025-02-08 12:10:18,482] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page creds
[2025-02-08 12:10:18,499] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page existbug
[2025-02-08 12:10:18,505] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page update
[2025-02-08 12:10:20,465] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Created page newbug
[2025-02-08 12:18:02,213] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: CHIRP login success as 100889
[2025-02-08 12:25:54,863] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Capturing config file C:\Users\New User\AppData\Roaming\CHIRP\chirp.config stamped 2025-02-08T12:25:54.860529
[2025-02-08 12:25:54,885] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Capturing focused open file C:\Users\New User\Desktop\Baofeng UV-6\UV6UV7_CPS\Baofeng_UV-6_20250208.img from <chirp.drivers.uv5r.BaofengUV6Radio object at 0x000002A9803C1BD0>
[2025-02-08 12:25:54,904] chirp.wxui.bugreport - DEBUG: Capturing windows system info