BaofengUV5R » History » Revision 11
Revision 10 (John LaMartina, 06/20/2016 02:56 PM) → Revision 11/31 (John LaMartina, 06/20/2016 02:56 PM)
{{toc}} h1. Baofeng UV5R / UV82 (and varients) series This page provides general tips and troubleshooting for the Baofeng UV-5R and related radios. The UV-5R is the base model for a lot of variants, so this page will apply to many more people than just those with that specific badge on their radio. This information is a summarized version of the Miklor page on the subject. Go there for "more detailed information": h2. Common Errors h3. Radio Did Not Respond This is a very common problem. Slightly offset audio jacks could be the problem. Make sure the connector is snapped in all the way. Some cables require a really hard push to snap in that last 1/16 inch. One indication is that the transmitter may be keyed. A slight trimming of the cable's plug side and edge may be required. h3. Driver Issues Many of the inexpensive programming cables are not the bargain they appear. Due to Prolific USB/Serial chip 'clones' found in generic USB programming cables, an older driver is required in lieu of the driver now automatically supplied by Windows. for "more detailed information":http://