



Bug #9948


UV-5X3 - Alarm Transmit

Added by Tom Line over 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Btech UV-5X3
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


Turned off "alarm" setting for btech 5RX3 and it does keep the speaker from emitting siren sounds. However, the radio will still transmit a siren sound to whatever channel is currently selected.

(Ideally, would like to make the light into a flash light instead of a flashing light, but I digress.)

Chirp works great. Thanks for your efforts!!!

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Platform changed from Windows to All

Hi Tom,

Your comments are confusing. Baofeng Tech (aka BTech) does not have a UV-5RX3 in their lineup of radios. The model name for their tri-band handheld radio is the UV-5X3 (no R in the name). The UV-5RX3 (with an R) model name would be and indication that the radio was from a radio dealer/vendor other than Baofeng Tech. Radioddity, for example, sells the UV-5RX3. These two radio models are quite different from each other and therefor CHIRP uses a separate driver module for each model.

How the flashlight operates in these radios has nothing to do with CHIRP. That said, the flashlight has 3 modes: Off, On and Flashing. When the light is Off, tapping the MONI key will set the light to On. When the light is On, tapping the MONI key will set the light to Flashing. When the light is Flashing, tapping the MONI key will set the light to Off. And so on... In order for the light to go from Off to Flashing the MONI key would have to have been double-tapped quickly.

How the alarm feature works also has nothing to do with CHIRP. All CHIRP does is allows the user to configure the ALarm-MODe setting the same as can be done by using the radio's keypad to edit menu 32 (AL-MOD). There is no "off" setting for this feature no matter which radio you are using (Baofeng UV-5RX3 or BTech UV-5X3). The best that can be done is to set the AL-MOD menu to SITE. When set to SITE and the alarm is triggered, the alarm will be heard in the local speaker only. It will not be transmitted over-the-air.


Actions #2

Updated by Tom Line over 2 years ago

Btech UV-5X3 is the model. Your knowledge was very helpful. I just set it to site and it's okay now. Don't have to worry about sitting on the thing and sending siren tones through the local repeater any more !!!! ;-)

Actions #3

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from UV-5RX3 - Alarm Transmit to UV-5X3 - Alarm Transmit
  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • Model affected changed from (All models) to Btech UV-5X3



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