



Bug #9946


Baofeng UV-82 Plus - DCS #94 - DCL Code D645N Missing.

Added by Brian M. Verner over 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

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Model affected:
Baofeng UV-82 Plus
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


On the Baofeng UV-82 Plus, maybe other models as well, DCS Number 94/DCS Code D645N is missing in the drop down menu. Most, if not all, Baofeng radios have a total of 105 DCS Codes available as listed in the DCS table in the User's Manual. In CHIRP only 104 of the 105 DCS Codes are available.


CHIRP_daily-22020703.png (5.42 KB) CHIRP_daily-22020703.png Jim Unroe, 07/13/2022 12:19 AM
UV-82_with_CH001_using_D645N.png (34.5 KB) UV-82_with_CH001_using_D645N.png Jim Unroe, 07/13/2022 12:19 AM
radio.csv (203 Bytes) radio.csv Jim Unroe, 07/13/2022 12:19 AM
CHIRP_export_import_D645N.png (30.2 KB) CHIRP_export_import_D645N.png Jim Unroe, 07/13/2022 12:19 AM
Screenshot (357).png (57.2 KB) Screenshot (357).png Brian M. Verner, 07/13/2022 12:44 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Brian M. Verner over 2 years ago

After some additional investigating, it seems that DCS Number 94/DCS Code D645N is ONLY missing when opening and editing a .CSV file. If I download directly from the radio itself, that DCS code is available when editing.

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

This was a bug that was corrected over a year ago (April, 2021). Which version of CHIRP are you using?

Just to be sure I programmed channel 000 into my UV-82 using the latest build (CHIRP daily-20220703) as would be appropriate (see attached screen captures)...

Tone Mode: DTCS
DTCS Code: 645

After uploading into my radio this resulted in a channel 000 with the following settings...

Menu 10 (R-DCS): D645N
Menu 12 (T-DCS): D645N

I also manually counted the available DTCS Code choices: 105

And finally, I exported channel 000 to a CSV file. The CSV file clearly stored 645. Then I imported the channel in the CSV file back into channel 001 memory row. Nothing changed.


Actions #3

Updated by Brian M. Verner over 2 years ago

I have version CHIRP daily-20220703, which is the newest build. I have uploaded a screenshot showing the issue. I tied again using the file that you have provided and the issue still exists. First, I uploaded that file into CHIRP. I then selected the drop down menu for DTCS code. As you can see in the screenshot, the drop down menu goes from 632 to 654 skipping over 645.

Actions #4

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

You are editing a generic CSV tab. That has nothing to do with any particular radio model. So it only gets common values -- and can't be directly uploaded into any radio.

You must only edit a tab that is compatible with your radio (one that has a Baofeng UV-82: or Baofeng UV-82HP: label on the left (depending on the Model: that you are selecting)). Then it will have support for 105 DCS codes because it knows it is working with a radio that has 105 DCS codes.


Actions #5

Updated by Brian M. Verner over 2 years ago

You are correct, I am editing a generic CSV tab. Sometimes I like to edit the CSV file under the CSV tab FIRST before I copy and paste the entries to the RADIO tab. While I do understand that this is a generic CSV tab, it just seemed odd to me that all 50 CTCSS tones are available for me to select under the generic tab and 104 of the 105 DTCS codes are available for me to select under the generic tab, with ONLY 1 DTCS code being missing. It is rather simple for me to copy and paste the entries to the RADIO tab first and then edit them afterward. I just assumed that the DTCS code would also be available under the CSV tab as well, since the other 104 codes are already there.

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

The CHIRP common code includes a list of 104 generic DCS codes. This is what is used for generic CSV file. The driver for the UV-82 takes this list of 104 codes and adds code 645 to it in order to match the 105 codes that the UV-82 (and other similar Baofeng radios) uses. Other radio vendors / models may have more or less DCS codes and their individual driver will add or remove them as needed to match the capability of the radio.


Actions #7

Updated by Brian M. Verner over 2 years ago

My way of thinking is different then. I thought there were 83 standard codes on the common codes list and the rest of the codes were non-standard codes that were generally not recommended (but available in many radios, including Baofeng) to prevent falsing due to alignment collisions. Because I was using a generic CSV file, I was thinking that you were providing all of the available combinations allowed in the various radios since the list of codes is much greater than the 83 standard codes. I am not sure what the 104 codes are based on, but that is not important. I just wanted to point out that the current setup makes it impossible to edit a CSV file from within CHIRP if the user needs to select D645N. In my case, someone had asked me to look over the programming of their radio using CHIRP. I asked them to send me their programming as a CSV file so I could look it over. I was able to edit all of their settings in CHIRP as a CSV file, except for D645N. While I find it rather inconvenient to not be able to use CHIRP to perform this edit, it is rather simple for me to load the same CSV file in Excel and make the changes from there. You may close this ticket.

Actions #8

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

You would have been able to fully program the radio if you would have requested the CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file. It is only these "image" files that intended to support the full features of a particular type of radio vendor/model. CSV files are only a limited subset of per-channel settings for no-particular radio vendor/model. Next time, you should ask for the *.img file to get the full support of global and per-channel settings.


Actions #9

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed

It looks like this issue has been resolved as much as possible.


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