



New Model #9924



Added by Knuth K. over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

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I read the instructions above:


Würde mich freuen, wenn CHIRP das o.g. Gerät unterstützt.


11111.JPG (74.6 KB) 11111.JPG Knuth K., 06/24/2022 11:50 AM
2222222222222.JPG (53.4 KB) 2222222222222.JPG Knuth K., 06/24/2022 11:50 AM
Baofeng_UV-5R_20220624.img (6.5 KB) Baofeng_UV-5R_20220624.img img vom eSYNIC UV-5R Knuth K., 06/24/2022 12:41 PM
Baofeng_UV-5R_20220624(bad timeout fixed).img (6.5 KB) Baofeng_UV-5R_20220624(bad timeout fixed).img Jim Unroe, 06/24/2022 03:11 PM
gjfjfgg.JPG (72.3 KB) gjfjfgg.JPG Screenshot Knuth K., 06/24/2022 11:19 PM
20220625_012732.jpg (1 MB) 20220625_012732.jpg Knuth K., 06/24/2022 11:35 PM
uv5r_tot (68 KB) uv5r_tot Jim Unroe, 06/25/2022 12:53 AM
tot off.JPG (78.7 KB) tot off.JPG Knuth K., 06/25/2022 12:05 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

CHIRP most likely already does. Just choose...

Vendor: Baofeng
Model: UV-5R


Updated by Knuth K. over 2 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

CHIRP most likely already does. Just choose...

Vendor: Baofeng
Model: UV-5R


Hello Jim,
first of all thank you very much for your answer.

I also thought that a model from Baofeng or similar might work.
I already tested that.
Unfortunately, after cloning, CHIRP only shows me the memory, i.e. the frequencies programmed in the device.
Unfortunately, the "Settings" column on the left is not visible in CHIRP.


Actions #3

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Knuth K. wrote:

Jim Unroe wrote:

CHIRP most likely already does. Just choose...

Vendor: Baofeng
Model: UV-5R


Hello Jim,
first of all thank you very much for your answer.

I also thought that a model from Baofeng or similar might work.
I already tested that.
Unfortunately, after cloning, CHIRP only shows me the memory, i.e. the frequencies programmed in the device.
Unfortunately, the "Settings" column on the left is not visible in CHIRP.


This is usually due to one or more settings being out-of-range. Attach your downloaded CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file so the it can be determined which settings are invalid.


Actions #4

Updated by Knuth K. over 2 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

Knuth K. wrote:

Jim Unroe wrote:

CHIRP most likely already does. Just choose...

Vendor: Baofeng
Model: UV-5R


Hello Jim,
first of all thank you very much for your answer.

I also thought that a model from Baofeng or similar might work.
I already tested that.
Unfortunately, after cloning, CHIRP only shows me the memory, i.e. the frequencies programmed in the device.
Unfortunately, the "Settings" column on the left is not visible in CHIRP.


This is usually due to one or more settings being out-of-range. Attach your downloaded CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file so the it can be determined which settings are invalid.


I once exported the saved settings from a Baofeng UV-5RE to the eSYNIC UV-5R using CHIRP.
The message came that not everything could be transferred.

Here the (*.img) file of the eSYNIC UV-5R.

Actions #5

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

The Timeout Timer setting was set to an invalid value. Typically these radios have (and what CHIRP is programmed to accept) a range of 15 seconds to 600 seconds in steps of 15 seconds. Your radios was programmed to what would have been 615 seconds.

So either something caused your radio to have an invalid setting, or the setting range in your radio has changed from what is typically the norm for these radios. So what is the valid range of choices for menu 9 (TOT) in your radio?

So for now I set the TOT setting value in the "image" from your radio to 600 seconds. Once you load it back into CHIRP you can can change it to whatever suits you.


Actions #6

Updated by Knuth K. over 2 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

The Timeout Timer setting was set to an invalid value. Typically these radios have (and what CHIRP is programmed to accept) a range of 15 seconds to 600 seconds in steps of 15 seconds. Your radios was programmed to what would have been 615 seconds.

So either something caused your radio to have an invalid setting, or the setting range in your radio has changed from what is typically the norm for these radios. So what is the valid range of choices for menu 9 (TOT) in your radio?

So for now I set the TOT setting value in the "image" from your radio to 600 seconds. Once you load it back into CHIRP you can can change it to whatever suits you.


Hello Jim,

I loaded the image file you edited onto the eSYNIC device with CHIRP, restarted CHIRP and cloned it from the device.
Lo and behold, all settings are now visible and changeable. :)

Thank you very much for your help.
Super nice of you.

Greetings from Hamburg (Germany)


Actions #7

Updated by Knuth K. over 2 years ago

Knuth K. wrote:

Jim Unroe wrote:

The Timeout Timer setting was set to an invalid value. Typically these radios have (and what CHIRP is programmed to accept) a range of 15 seconds to 600 seconds in steps of 15 seconds. Your radios was programmed to what would have been 615 seconds.

So either something caused your radio to have an invalid setting, or the setting range in your radio has changed from what is typically the norm for these radios. So what is the valid range of choices for menu 9 (TOT) in your radio?

So for now I set the TOT setting value in the "image" from your radio to 600 seconds. Once you load it back into CHIRP you can can change it to whatever suits you.


Hello Jim,

I loaded the image file you edited onto the eSYNIC device with CHIRP, restarted CHIRP and cloned it from the device.
Lo and behold, all settings are now visible and changeable. :)

Thank you very much for your help.
Super nice of you.

Greetings from Hamburg (Germany)


Actions #8

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Hi Markus,

Would you look at menu 9 (TOT) of your radio and report back the range of choices for that particular setting? Typically these radios have a list of choices from 15 seconds to 600 seconds in steps of 15 seconds. I am wondering if your radio might be different.

Thank you in advance.

Actions #9

Updated by Knuth K. over 2 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

Hi Markus,

Would you look at menu 9 (TOT) of your radio and report back the range of choices for that particular setting? Typically these radios have a list of choices from 15 seconds to 600 seconds in steps of 15 seconds. I am wondering if your radio might be different.

Thank you in advance.

Hello Jim,
The problem was that with the eSYNIC UV-5R in menu item 9 you have the option of setting TOT to off, which you cannot do with the BAOFENG UV-5R.
If this is set to off, CHIRP will not fully recognize the device.

Warm greetings


Actions #10

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago


That is exactly what I was thinking and trying to find out. Thanks.

Please try out the attached test driver module and let me know if this matches the way your radio works. Here is how you do it...

  1. Save the test driver module (uv5r_tot to convenient location on your computer.

Note: Left-click uv5r_tot link (right-click will not work). After the next page loads, left-click the "download" link at top of page.

  1. Load CHIRP.
  2. Enable Enable Developer Functions in the Help menu.
  3. Click Load Module selection in File menu.
  4. Locate and load the file that was saved in step 1.

CHIRP will now have a red background to indicate that it is running with and externally loaded driver module.

Note: Loading an external driver module does not permanently change your CHIRP installation. If you close CHIRP, you will have to load the test driver module again to be able to use its features.

Now test the Timeout Timer (TOT) setting changes to validate that it works as expected with your radio. Let me know how it goes.


Actions #11

Updated by Knuth K. over 2 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:


That is exactly what I was thinking and trying to find out. Thanks.

Please try out the attached test driver module and let me know if this matches the way your radio works. Here is how you do it...

  1. Save the test driver module (uv5r_tot to convenient location on your computer.

Note: Left-click uv5r_tot link (right-click will not work). After the next page loads, left-click the "download" link at top of page.

  1. Load CHIRP.
  2. Enable Enable Developer Functions in the Help menu.
  3. Click Load Module selection in File menu.
  4. Locate and load the file that was saved in step 1.

CHIRP will now have a red background to indicate that it is running with and externally loaded driver module.

Note: Loading an external driver module does not permanently change your CHIRP installation. If you close CHIRP, you will have to load the test driver module again to be able to use its features.

Now test the Timeout Timer (TOT) setting changes to validate that it works as expected with your radio. Let me know how it goes.


Hello Jim,
I downloaded the file you created.
I had previously set TOT to off in the device.
CHIRP also shows me TOT off there (see screenshot).
I now leave TOT in the device at 600 and am therefore on the safe side to be able to use CHIRP normally with the eSYNIY UV-5R.
The TOT setting of 600 seconds is more than sufficient. :)

Many greetings

Markus DN7HJB

Actions #12

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Jim Unroe
  • Target version set to chirp-legacy
Actions #13

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

A patch to add support for the newly added OFF selection has been submitted.


Actions #14

Updated by Anonymous over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Applied in changeset commit:82d34bf63541.


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