



New Model #9827


QYT KT-WP12 / Anysecu WP-9900

Added by John K9JEB Boal almost 3 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

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I read the instructions above:


Great radio! probably similar programming to other QYT radios. available on amazon for a few months now, but requires its own CPS software which is a joke. We need CHIRP for this!! I have a radio that can be used to debug - also am a developer myself and familiar with Python, and debugging. Radio is a control body with the display and all controls in the speaker mic. Also has a water resistant rating, great for limited space mobile installs. Already really popular here in the Pacific NW - Please help us support this radio!


Anysecu-wp9900.jpg (17 KB) Anysecu-wp9900.jpg Anysecu WP-9900 software John Boal, 04/17/2022 01:45 AM
WP-9900 MCU WP3094 - read (86.4 KB) WP-9900 MCU WP3094 - read Jim Unroe, 05/09/2022 07:38 PM
Anysecu_WP-9900_20220509.img (16.2 KB) Anysecu_WP-9900_20220509.img Anysecu WP-9900 image file downloaded John Boal, 05/09/2022 11:39 PM (178 KB) Jim Unroe, 05/16/2022 01:25 AM
Anysecu_WP-9900_20220516.img (16.2 KB) Anysecu_WP-9900_20220516.img Hayden Thring, 05/16/2022 05:22 AM
Anysecu_WP-9900_K9JEB.img (16.2 KB) Anysecu_WP-9900_K9JEB.img Anysecu WP-9900 image uploaded to radio successfully John Boal, 05/16/2022 06:25 PM
Anysecu_WP-9900_20220516_SJ.img (16.2 KB) Anysecu_WP-9900_20220516_SJ.img Sam Jones, 05/17/2022 02:24 PM
Capture_AnySecu_Chirp.PNG (38.7 KB) Capture_AnySecu_Chirp.PNG Screenshot Matt Schnizer, 05/20/2022 11:33 PM
Anysecu_WP-9900_1st_Download_20220520.img (16.2 KB) Anysecu_WP-9900_1st_Download_20220520.img Matt Schnizer, 05/20/2022 11:34 PM (179 KB) Jim Unroe, 05/21/2022 04:57 PM (169 KB) Jim Unroe, 05/24/2022 08:25 PM
Anysecu_WP-9900.img (16.2 KB) Anysecu_WP-9900.img CHIRP Image for adding to /tests/images Jim Unroe, 05/27/2022 01:42 AM
QYT_KT-WP12.img (16.2 KB) QYT_KT-WP12.img CHIRP Image for adding to /tests/images Jim Unroe, 05/27/2022 01:42 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

Hi John,

I will likely be working on this. I am currently working on some that will make the driver that will eventually support this radio better. Once I get that to where it is available for testing, I will see if I can start on this.

I always get a chuckle when someone mentions that they need CHIRP because the OEM software is so bad. The CHIRP developer has to work very closely and constantly with the OEM software in order to develop the CHIRP driver. ;-)

It would be nice if QYT (or one of their dealers) would donate a radio to the cause. Which radio (vendor/model) do you have?


Actions #2

Updated by John Boal almost 3 years ago

Hi Jim, sounds good. These are the same radio hardware just rebranded. Both are available on Amazon. I have the Anysecu branded WP-9900. The thing I really need is to be able to transfer all my programs to this new radio without having to key in all of the channels manually. there is no import/export in the crappy software they provide. I know several other people that have these also... Let me know what I can do to help.

Here is the amazon link in case it helps...


Actions #3

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago


What other radios do you have that use this same driver (QYT KT8900D, KT7900D, KT8900, KT8900R, KT-8R, BTECH UV-2501, UV-2501_220, UV-5001, UV-25X2, UV-25X4, UV-50X2, etc)? I will need some testing done with them as well.


Actions #4

Updated by John Boal almost 3 years ago

Hi Jim, I also have QYT KT-7900 radios, but the settings tab on this model does not work in Chirp and has been broken for at least one year... but I have them also available for testing if needed. If we can fix that tab as well that would be great, let me know if i should file a separate bug on it.

Actions #5

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

John Boal wrote:

Hi Jim, I also have QYT KT-7900 radios, but the settings tab on this model does not work in Chirp and has been broken for at least one year... but I have them also available for testing if needed. If we can fix that tab as well that would be great, let me know if i should file a separate bug on it.

That's most likely because the radio has one or more settings that is/are out-of-range. The debug.log file should help to determine which settings are amiss so they can be set to a valid values.


Actions #6

Updated by Hayden Thring almost 3 years ago

I have this radio too, I noticed you can open the exported .dat file of channels and its in a format that could likely be decoded easily. Anyway, i bought this radio knowing it wasnt supported by chirp, so no hassle. letme know if i can help

I use this software

here is an empty channel followed by one configured

0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
0 1 1 0 37 67 20 0 37 67 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

Actions #7

Updated by Hayden Thring almost 3 years ago

oh and mine is branded as QYT KT-WP12

Actions #10

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

Hi all,

One thing that would really be useful would be to have the MCU-Version: from everyone's radio that is available for testing. The MCU-Version: can be found in the status display area at the bottom of the OEM software's main window.

List the following...
Vendor: (QYT, Anysecu, etc.)
Model: (KT-WP12, KT-9900, WP-9900, etc)
MCU-Version: (WP3094, etc)


Actions #11

Updated by John Boal almost 3 years ago

Hi Jim - you were right on, the MCU version is WP3094. Attached is the screen capture from the WP9900_VIP_CPS.exe software attached to my Anysecu WP-9900 branded radio.

Hope this helps!

Actions #12

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

John Boal wrote:

Hi Jim - you were right on, the MCU version is WP3094. Attached is the screen capture from the WP9900_VIP_CPS.exe software attached to my Anysecu WP-9900 branded radio.

Hope this helps!

Well John, I think we've waited patiently long enough. I thought there would have been some others chime in with the MCU version from their radio, but you appear to be the only one that took the time to provide it. Let's get to testing!

I am attaching an experimental driver module to this issue that should allow you to download from your WP-9900 with MCU WP3094. Once you have successfully downloaded from your radio, save the newly created tab to a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file. Then please attach the newly saved "image" to this issue so I can use it to assist in the process of developing support for the Anysecu WP-9900.

Here are the instructions for how you use the experimental driver module.

save the test driver (WP-9900 MCU WP3094 - read to a convenient location on your computer. Note: Do not right-click the link to download. You must left-click the link and then choose the Download link near the top of the page that loads.

load CHIRP

click Help in the menu bar and then enable the Enable Developer Functions setting

click File in the menu bar and then select Load Module in the list that appears

locate and load the experimental driver module that was saved in step #1

At this point CHIRP should have a red background to let you know that it is running with an externally loaded driver module. Attempt to download from your radio choosing Vendor: Anysecu and Model: WP-9900. If successful, save the new tab to a CHIRP *.img file and attach it to this issue. If downloading fails, describe the error and attach a CHIRP debug.log file.

Note: Using this experimental driver module does not permanently change your CHIRP installation in any way. Once you close CHIRP and reopen it later, you will have to load the experimental driver module again before you can do any additional testing.


Actions #13

Updated by John Boal almost 3 years ago

Thanks Jim - but am not seeing a link to download a driver... what am I missing?

Actions #14

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

John Boal wrote:

Thanks Jim - but am not seeing a link to download a driver... what am I missing?

I forgot to attach it. Sorry. Here it is.


Actions #15

Updated by John Boal almost 3 years ago

Success! attached is the image file. Thanks Jim!

Actions #16

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

Hi Bob,

Before I forget, thank you for attaching the CHIRP "image" downloaded from your radio. It was very useful.

I have attached a draft driver module for you (and anyone else with an ANYSECU WP-9900 with MCU: WP3094) to test.

Things to test...

  • Downloading (be sure to save your first download, unedited, as a CHIRP Radio Images (@*.img@) file to be kept in a safe place as a backup <-- this is very important since we are testing new code)
  • Check to see that the settings tabs show up
  • Uploading
  • Check that the settings values match up with the corresponding settings of the OEM software (don't worry about 2tone and 5tone settings)

If you have any issues, please describe the details of the problem and attach any debug.log files, "images" file and/or screen captures that might help me to understand and resolve them.

I am looking forward to your feedback.


Actions #17

Updated by Hayden Thring almost 3 years ago

Hi, I successfully used the driver to upload 125 channels, inc some with offsets. I also tested the settings tab, they look ok, i did a manual test on the squelch setting which was fine.

attached is my initial img read, also wp3094

Actions #18

Updated by John Boal almost 3 years ago

This also worked great for me - I copied and pasted all the memory channels from another radio and uploaded them successfully.

The only thing I found in error was the color "indigo" was spelled "indego"

thanks so much and 73!
John K9JEB

Actions #19

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

John Boal wrote:

This also worked great for me - I copied and pasted all the memory channels from another radio and uploaded them successfully.

The only thing I found in error was the color "indigo" was spelled "indego"

thanks so much and 73!
John K9JEB

LOL. That spelling error has been like that for something like 5 years. You are the first to notice and say something about it. I'll have to open another ticket to fix it. Thanks.


Actions #20

Updated by Sam Jones almost 3 years ago

I just got my Anysecu branded version of this radio at the end of last week. Attached is my img file downloaded from the radio with the draft driver. Please note that I did add some channels using the QYT software (painfully slow due to no support for import/export and copy/past only works in a single cell...).

Using the draft driver I was quickly able to import all the channels I want and upload to the radio last night.

I only took a small look through the settings tab and it seems to have everything that the factory software has. I did previously use the factory software to update a number of the settings and it looks like all of those settings were correct/the same when I downloaded from the radio last night.

Excellent work and thank you for your help with this radio, Jim!

Actions #21

Updated by Matt Schnizer almost 3 years ago

Got one of these radios (QYT KT-WP12). After fighting with original SW I found that chirp has experimental driver.
Using latest version of chirp (20220515) on Windows 10
Loaded WP-9900 MCU WP3094 - read into Chirp
Downloaded image from radio

  • can see channels
  • NO Settings tab as with my other radios (see screenshot)

Tried to upload a change to channel:
Window pops up to ask for 'COM and VENDOR/MODEL' => click OK
Windows pops up with 'Anysecu-WP-9900 instructions' => click OK
Window pops up with 'Driver is experimental - wanna proceed' => click OK

A small windows pops up and disappears immediately. Unable what it says... thats it - nothing more

Actions #22

Updated by Matt Schnizer almost 3 years ago

Here the 1st download from radio.

Anything else I can provide?

Actions #23

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

Matt Schnizer wrote:

Got one of these radios (QYT KT-WP12). After fighting with original SW I found that chirp has experimental driver.
Using latest version of chirp (20220515) on Windows 10
Loaded WP-9900 MCU WP3094 - read into Chirp
Downloaded image from radio

  • can see channels
  • NO Settings tab as with my other radios (see screenshot)

Tried to upload a change to channel:
Window pops up to ask for 'COM and VENDOR/MODEL' => click OK
Windows pops up with 'Anysecu-WP-9900 instructions' => click OK
Window pops up with 'Driver is experimental - wanna proceed' => click OK

A small windows pops up and disappears immediately. Unable what it says... thats it - nothing more

The "" was just to test the cloning protocol and to provide me with a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) that could be used for reverse engineering of the radios settings. There was, by design, no settings tabs or ability to upload to the radio.

So I gather that the QYT KT-WP12 has the same MCU version as the Anysecu WP9900, correct?


Actions #24

Updated by Matt Schnizer almost 3 years ago

correct, WP3094

Actions #25

Updated by Matt Schnizer almost 3 years ago

Reading all your posts carefully I found the draft driver and the SETTINGS show up and are looking good and I can upload to the radio - Happy camper.
Thank you so much for the driver.


Actions #26

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

I have added support for the QYT KT-WP12 to the draft driver module.

I am assuming that the settings for the Anysecu WP-9900 and QYT KT-WP12 (and QYT KT-9900) are the same. Let me know if that is not the case. For those with the QYT KT-9900 model, use the Vendor: QYT / Model: KT-WP12 selections.


Actions #27

Updated by Matt Schnizer almost 3 years ago

Tnx Jim, working fine here :)

Actions #28

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

Found a bug related to the Auto Lock setting. Draft @#3@ attached.

Other than the very old spelling error, has anyone found anything else that needs addressed?


Actions #29

Updated by Matt Schnizer almost 3 years ago

Working fine here, thanks for the updated version.

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

Patches to add support for the Anysecu WP-9900 and QYT KT-WP12 to CHIRP have been submitted. Support will be in the next CHIRP daily build following acceptance.

Thanks to the anonymous donor of the Anysecu WP-9900 that was used for CHIRP development.

The "test" images that are to be added to CHIRP have been attached to this issue. I can no longer submit them as attachments to the patches because Gmail blocks them.


Actions #31

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Today's build, CHIRP daily-20220531, now has support for the Anysecu WP-9900 and QYT KT-WP12 (for KT-9900 use KT-WP12).


Actions #32

Updated by Brian Pentester about 2 years ago

I have a KT-WP12 - it works but there is no way to import data - the menu is missing ( newest downloaded CHIRP )


Actions #33

Updated by Jim Unroe about 2 years ago

Brian Pentester wrote in #note-32:

I have a KT-WP12 - it works but there is no way to import data - the menu is missing ( newest downloaded CHIRP )


This is a closed issue. You should have opened a new one. Missing settings tabs is usually an indication that one or more of the settings are set to a value that is out-of-range. Open a new issue and attach a freshly downloaded CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file and I will take a look at it.



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