



New Model #9821


BF-T20 Baofeng

Added by Galen Thurber almost 3 years ago. Updated 7 months ago.

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I read the instructions above:


does not download using BF888
model CE certification Dec 2021


retevis_rt22 - (21.9 KB) retevis_rt22 - choose Baofeng T-20 Jim Unroe, 12/15/2023 01:31 PM
radtel_t18 - (47.2 KB) radtel_t18 - choose Baofeng T-20FRS Jim Unroe, 12/15/2023 01:32 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Hi Galen,

Does the BF-T20 work with the factory BF-888S programming software? I would suggest that you try the factory programming software first. If that works, then that would rule out many programming cable issues. If it doesn't work, then you most likely have a programming cable/driver/connection issue.

Also, the BF-T20 looks more like a Retevis RT22 style radio (with many variants such as WLN KD-C1) than a BF-888. Assuming that you don't have a programming cable issue, I would try Retevis RT22 or similar model.

After a little googling, I download the "factory" BF-T20 programming software from the "ABREE website's Download area": I see that the installer says "Welcome to the installer for KD-C1 1.0", so my guess above should be correct. You would program the Baofeng BF-T20 using the WLN / KD-C1 vendor/model selections. Confirm this and I will add the BF-T20 to the CHIRP Supported Radio Models list on the CHIRP home page.


Actions #2

Updated by Galen Thurber almost 3 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

Hi Galen,

Does the BF-T20 work with the factory BF-888S programming software? I would suggest that you try the factory programming software first. If that works, then that would rule out many programming cable issues. If it doesn't work, then you most likely have a programming cable/driver/connection issue.

Also, the BF-T20 looks more like a Retevis RT22 style radio (with many variants such as WLN KD-C1) than a BF-888. Assuming that you don't have a programming cable issue, I would try Retevis RT22 or similar model.

After a little googling, I download the "factory" BF-T20 programming software from the "ABREE website's Download area": I see that the installer says "Welcome to the installer for KD-C1 1.0", so my guess above should be correct. You would program the Baofeng BF-T20 using the WLN / KD-C1 vendor/model selections. Confirm this and I will add the BF-T20 to the CHIRP Supported Radio Models list on the CHIRP home page.


Thank you,
I got rid of my last windows install this morning,
Only Linux now.
On chirp I did try all BF & Retevis download options, no luck
Cable has worked recently.

Actions #3

Updated by Victor Diaz almost 2 years ago

Works with Zastone ZT-X6. I just tried it today

Actions #4

Updated by Galen Thurber almost 2 years ago

works with WLN KD-C1

Actions #5

Updated by Stef Pletinck almost 2 years ago

The same settings also apply to the W31, could we perhaps get those notes added to the supported radios list?

Actions #6

Updated by Pablo Escobar over 1 year ago

works with WLN KD-C1

CHIRP version daily-20220620

Updated by Jim Unroe about 1 year ago

There appears to be at least 2 versions of the Baofeng BF-T20.

1 A 16-channel UHF model (full-band TX/RX)
2 A 22-channel FRS model (with FCC ID and limited to only FRS frequencies by firmware)

I have developed test drivers for each and have attached them to this issue. Actually the second test driver ( radtel_t18 - ) supports both radio models. Please test and report back your results. Here is how: LoadingTestModules

Actions #8

Updated by Anonymous about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #9

Updated by Jim Unroe about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Closed to In Progress

Reopening this ticket to accommodate a missed feature of the 22-channel version of the BF-T20.

Actions #10

Updated by Anonymous about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Actions #11

Updated by Art Wholeflaffer 7 months ago

I am working with a Jucjet F-20 (from Amazon) which appears to be a clone of the BF-T20FRS, with 22 channels. It works fine with T20_FRS module.
With tiny modification of the driver (change 22 to 32), I can access and load data into the radio for 32 channels. However, the radio will still only annunciate 22 channels, so the extra 10 channels can't be used (yet).

I am working on figuring out how to activate those last ten channels. I was able to do this with the Retevis RT22S, but this change was done via the factory software and a modification to its setting.ini file. Now I have to figure out (a) what changed and (b) how to change it.

Actions #12

Updated by Jim Unroe 7 months ago

This ticket is closed and this is a new issue. It would require a new ticket.


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