New Model #9661
closedRetevis RA685
Would it be possible to add support for the Retevis RA685 please.
Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Jim Unroe
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
Retevis just donated an RA685 and an RA85 so I will be looking into adding CHIRP support for these models.
Updated by Rayane S about 3 years ago
Jim Unroe wrote:
Retevis just donated an RA685 and an RA85 so I will be looking into adding CHIRP support for these models.
Hi Jim,
Do you have an ETA for support of RA685? I used the official software of Retevis (RA685 V1.1.1 exe) but it really unstable. Impossible to add new frequency, i can only edit name, and now can't read my radio memory after edit it on this one
Thanks you
Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago
Rayane S wrote:
Jim Unroe wrote:
Retevis just donated an RA685 and an RA85 so I will be looking into adding CHIRP support for these models.
Hi Jim,
Do you have an ETA for support of RA685? I used the official software of Retevis (RA685 V1.1.1 exe) but it really unstable. Impossible to add new frequency, i can only edit name, and now can't read my radio memory after edit it on this one
Thanks you
No. I have to constantly use the "official software" over and over to reverse engineer the cloning process and settings. ;-)
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago
OK. I got a chance to work on this some more. I think I have progressed to the point where I can provide my rough draft for testing. For those that need instructions, here is how you would download and use the test driver module within your CHIRP installation.
- save the attached test driver module to a convenient location (where you keep your *.img files for example).
Note: Do not right-click the link to download. Click the "link", wait for the next page to load. Finally click the download link near the top of the page.
- click Help in the menu bar
- enable Enable Developer Functions
- click File in the menu bar
- click Load Module in the list that appeared
- locate and load the test driver module that was saved in step 1
The CHIRP background will now be red. You should now be able to select Vendor: Retevis and have Model: selections for RA685 and RA85 to access your radio. Don't forget to save your first successful download, unedited, to a CHIRP Radio Images (@.img@) file to be kept as a backup.*
Note: This does not permanently change your CHIRP installation in any way. If you close CHIRP, the next time you open CHIRP you will have to load the driver module again to have RA685/RA85 (test) support.
Report bugs and and/or feedback to this ticket/issue.
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Patch submitted and approved. Support for the RA685 will be in tomorrow's CHIRP daily build.