



New Model #9579


Retevis RT21V

Added by john S about 3 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

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I read the instructions above:


Requesting Chirp support for this radio model Retevis RT21V
tried to use RT21 but failed wit this error message

[2021-12-05 16:19:13,918] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: ----------------
[2021-12-05 16:19:13,918] chirp.ui.clone - ERROR: Clone failed: Radio returned unknown identification string
[2021-12-05 16:19:14,035] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread ended
[2021-12-05 16:19:14,042] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting model usage: Retevis_RT21,download,True
[2021-12-05 16:19:14,045] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting exception
[2021-12-05 16:19:14,046] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: --- Exception Dialog: Radio returned unknown identification string


debug.log (30.1 KB) debug.log john S, 12/05/2021 01:44 PM (32.5 KB) Jim Unroe, 12/05/2021 04:54 PM
debug.log (46.7 KB) debug.log john S, 12/06/2021 04:38 PM (40.2 KB) Jim Unroe, 12/06/2021 04:54 PM
debug.log (38.5 KB) debug.log john S, 12/07/2021 01:53 PM (40.3 KB) Jim Unroe, 12/07/2021 04:16 PM
debug.log (39.8 KB) debug.log debug john S, 12/07/2021 05:38 PM
Screenshot 2021-12-07 202721.png (21.5 KB) Screenshot 2021-12-07 202721.png screen capture john S, 12/07/2021 05:38 PM (40.3 KB) Jim Unroe, 12/07/2021 06:10 PM
debug.log (57.8 KB) debug.log john S, 12/07/2021 08:10 PM
Screenshot 2021-12-07 223943.png (32 KB) Screenshot 2021-12-07 223943.png john S, 12/07/2021 08:10 PM
Retevis_RT21V_20211207.img (1.16 KB) Retevis_RT21V_20211207.img john S, 12/07/2021 08:50 PM (43.7 KB) Jim Unroe, 12/08/2021 07:05 PM (41.6 KB) Jim Unroe, 12/14/2021 01:36 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago

Let's see if you can download an "image" from the radio. I have attached a test driver module that might do it.

Instructions for using the attached download test driver module.

  1. Save the attached driver module to a convenient location. DO NOT download by right-clicking the link.
  2. Enable Enable Developer Functions in the Help menu.
  3. Choose Load Module in the File menu.
  4. Locate and load the download test driver module that was saved in step 1.

CHIRP should now have a red background to indicate it is running with an external driver module. Try to download from your RT21V. If successful, attach the CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file to this issue. DO NOT TRY TO DO ANYTHING ELSE. If not successful, close CHIRP and attach the new debug.log file to this issue and optionally describe the exact error message, if any.


Actions #2

Updated by john S about 3 years ago

Followed instructions using the test retevis rt21v diver.
connection to rt21v did not fail with any connection error code but was not able to read any data fields screen was blank. When attempt was made to save image file it failed with an error code. Attached is the .img file and the debug.log

Actions #3

Updated by john S about 3 years ago

image file

Actions #4

Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago

Thanks for trying. Give this one a go.


Actions #5

Updated by john S about 3 years ago

Tried this file also with same results.
No Error on connection but blank data screen with no data in any fields
attached is latest debug file

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago

OK. Try this. Maybe 3rd time is the charm? If this results in the same blank screen, would you provide a screen capture of the windows? Thanks.


Updated by john S about 3 years ago

Thanks, but no change results are the same as 2 previous files
attached are the debug.log and screen capture

Actions #8

Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago

Doh! I'll bet this makes a difference.


Updated by john S about 3 years ago

Yes this version was able to read the basic channel configuration !!!
Attached the debug and screen shot

There are additional features and options that chirp is not reading like scan function, scrambler function, function button options, time out timer, squelch level setting.
Is it possible to configure these functions or will Chirp just do basic channel setup?

Actions #10

Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago

All I am trying to do right now is get physical possession of an "image" captured from the radio. Unfortunately you didn't attach one. It won't be until after that I can start looking into providing CHIRP support.


Actions #11

Updated by john S about 3 years ago

ok forgot to get the image will send one asap

Actions #12

Updated by john S about 3 years ago

image file retevis rt21v

Actions #13

Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago


I've been working on this most of the day. Give it a try. Let me know if you discover anything that doesn't work right.

This will let you program all 16 channels. The first 5 are the regular MURS channels. The remaining 11 channels can be programmed with any step compatible frequency from 136-174 MHz. If they are any of the 5 MURS frequencies, they will transmit. If they are anything other than the 5 MURS frequencies, they are TX disabled. This way you can set aside a channel to listen to the local NOAA WX Radio station or a 2-meter ham repeater, etc.


Actions #14

Updated by john S about 3 years ago

Thanks much will check it out, appreciate your efforts. The factory retevis rt21v software will not run on my computers and so was hoping Chirp would work, as I use Chirp for all of ham radio gear. I will test it and report back the results.

Actions #15

Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago

Yeah. The OEM software (fortunately it works fine for me on my Win7 Pro 32-bit computer) only allows programming the first 5 channel positions. I have a hunch that channels 6-16 will also work. So please let me know if the channels above 5 work or not. If they don't, then I will have to remove them.


Actions #16

Updated by john S about 3 years ago

update works for the 1-5 channels on my radios the channel switch is 1-5 only, and ok with that. I found an old Win XP laptop in basement that ran oem software and see there are options for program side option switch, squelch levels, speech scrambler operation. Can Chirp also program these features? John

Actions #17

Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago

john S wrote:

update works for the 1-5 channels on my radios the channel switch is 1-5 only, and ok with that.

Oh... OK. I assumed it used the same 16 position switch as the RT21. No problem. I will remove the support for channels 6-16. I will attach it once I have it.

I found an old Win XP laptop in basement that ran oem software and see there are options for program side option switch, squelch levels, speech scrambler operation. Can Chirp also program these features? John

Yes. I just disabled the settings tab for the time being.


Actions #18

Updated by Jim Unroe about 3 years ago

Here is the next version with only 5 channels. It also has fixes for a couple of bugs that I noticed. This one also has the Settings tabs restored. If it tests OK for you, it will be what I submit to be included in CHIRP.


Actions #19

Updated by john S almost 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay some personal stuff come up and was out of town will check this out and respond on the results.

Actions #20

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 2 years ago

Can this ticket be closed? Thanks, Bernhard

Actions #21

Updated by Anonymous over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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