Bug #9515
closed[BTech UV-5X3] Six VFO's are present in radio but not in Chirp.
Maybe I'm just showing off how slow I are but... I just noticed on my UV-5X3
that it actually has six VFOs; one for each band (2m, 220, 440) on both the
A and B sides. I access them by pressing the [BAND] button when in VFO mode.
If nothing shows up for a given band, that means you haven't entered a frequency
for that band into the VFO for that "side" (A or B).
It's a shame these freq's don't show up in the CHiRP Settings tab.
So the [BAND] button really does have a use.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- File uv5x3_6VFOs.py uv5x3_6VFOs.py added
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
Give this demo driver module a try to see if this will suit your needs. It includes the "6 VFOs" in the upload to the radio. To use this custom driver module file...
- save the file to a convenient location on your computer
Note: DO NOT right-click the link to download. Left-click the link and then choose the download link at the top left of the page that loaded.
- enable Enable Developer Functions in the Help menu
- open the File menu and choose Load Module
- locate and load the file stave in step 1
At this time the CHIRP background is red indicating that CHIRP is running with a custom driver module loaded. This does not permanently change your CHIRP installation. Once you close CHIRP, you will have to re-load this demo driver module again in order to have its features available.
So what you would do is upload your current CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file to the radio to get all of your currently saved settings in your BTECH UV-5X3. Then set the 6 VFOs to the frequencies of your liking. Then finally download from your radio to CHIRP. At this point your tab has your 6 VFOs captures (as it always has). Now set the 6 VFOs in your UV-5X3 to some other frequencies. Now upload your tab back to the radio. Your 6 VFOs should now be restored.
Let me know if this is enough to satisfy this issue?
And once again, good catch on realizing that each display line VFO has storage for each of the 3 bands.
Updated by Rusty Haddock over 3 years ago
Sorry Jim, but I'm using (gasp) build #666, downloaded your Python module,
loaded it with File->Load Module, and my Chirp window turned red. I downloaded
everything from my 5X3 and I can't for the life of me find any place where 3
VFOs are shown or where to select a band for the VFOs, in any of the Settings
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
Rusty Haddock wrote:
Sorry Jim, but I'm using (gasp) build #666, downloaded your Python module,
loaded it with File->Load Module, and my Chirp window turned red. I downloaded
everything from my 5X3 and I can't for the life of me find any place where 3
VFOs are shown or where to select a band for the VFOs, in any of the Settings
There aren't any settings in CHIRP. You set them in the radio and then download them. They are then (as they have always been) captured in the "image". What is different is that after loading the demo driver module, CHIRP will write them back to the radio. So change them to different frequencies in the radio and then upload what you previously downloaded back in the radio and the VFOs will change back to what they were.
So once again...
1 set the 6 VFO in the radio how you would like them to be
2 download from the radio to CHIRP to capture the settings
3 mix up the 6 VFOs in the radio
4 upload back to the radio to restore them
Updated by Rusty Haddock over 3 years ago
Jim Unroe wrote:
So once again...1 set the 6 VFO in the radio how you would like them to be
2 download from the radio to CHIRP to capture the settings
3 mix up the 6 VFOs in the radio
4 upload back to the radio to restore them
OK. That does work.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 3 years ago
Looks like we can close this ticket? Thanks.
Updated by Rusty Haddock over 3 years ago
Bernhard Hailer wrote:
Looks like we can close this ticket? Thanks.
Jim, were you going to add displays of all 6 VFOs.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
Bernhard Hailer wrote:
Looks like we can close this ticket? Thanks.
No. I am not sure if this satisfies Rusty's request and I haven't submitted a patch, yet.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
Rusty Haddock wrote:
Bernhard Hailer wrote:
Looks like we can close this ticket? Thanks.
Jim, were you going to add displays of all 6 VFOs.
I was hoping this would be enough and I wouldn't have to. It will be considerable work for what you get. But that is why I asked the question above and was waiting for your answer. Here is the question again: Let me know if this is enough to satisfy this issue?
Updated by Rusty Haddock over 3 years ago
Jim Unroe wrote:
Rusty Haddock wrote:
Bernhard Hailer wrote:
Looks like we can close this ticket? Thanks.
Jim, were you going to add displays of all 6 VFOs.
I was hoping this would be enough and I wouldn't have to. It will be considerable work for what you get. But that is why I asked the question above and was waiting for your answer. Here is the question again: Let me know if this is enough to satisfy this issue?
Not really. If those values are not displayed or otherwise accessible in Chirp,
other than being tucked away in the .img file, then I don't see any real added
value. If it's going to be considerable work then let's just forget and delete
the whole issue. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to cause any grief.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- File uv5x3_6VFOs_#2.py uv5x3_6VFOs_#2.py added
I've been thinking about this off-and-on and since I finished a new radio yesterday, I spent some time with this again and I think I have come with with a working draft.
With this driver, I have got the 6 VFOs displayed in the "Other" tab (only because they are in the "Aux" memory where all of the "Other" settings are. I think I have the frequency limits and everything functioning. I still have quite a bit of work to so, yet, in order to make it "patch worthy". Give it a try.
Also if you can provide some suggestions for where the settings could/should be located in the Settings tab. Also for now I called them "subVFOs". Do you have any suggestions for what to call them? Something that describes what they are/do but doesn't have a lot of characters.
Updated by Rusty Haddock over 3 years ago
Jim Unroe wrote:
I've been thinking about this off-and-on and since I finished a new radio yesterday, I spent some time with this again and I think I have come with with a working draft.
Thank you, Jim!
With this driver, I have got the 6 VFOs displayed in the "Other" tab (only because they are in the "Aux" memory where all of the "Other" settings are. I think I have the frequency limits > and everything functioning. I still have quite a bit of work to so, yet, in order to make it "patch worthy". Give it a try.
Also if you can provide some suggestions for where the settings could/should be located in the Settings tab. Also for now I called them "subVFOs". Do you have any suggestions for what to > call them? Something that describes what they are/do but doesn't have a lot of characters.
I'm not sure I agree with 'subVFOs'. After uploading new values into these locations from my Linux box, if the radio was already in VFO mode,
the new values did not show up immediately. After cycling the bands, they would then pop up. Because of this I'm thinking the name 'Saved VFOs'
might be more appropriate, IMHO. :) Just a tad longer than 'subVFOs' though. If that's just too long, may I suggest that, in your current
placement, you could label them like "Saved VHF2 VFO A (MHz) -- dropping 'Frequency' as the limits are labeled above them.
Before I found that an upload wouldn't change the displayed VFOs I really thought that my "Saved VFOs" should be placed in the "Working Modes
Settings" tab -- maybe with a pull down menu on the right of the A & B VFOs to select VHF, VHF2, & UHF as the frequency to be displayed.
But I'm bit conflicted about that layout now. I'd really not like to have the Saved VFOs on another tab but... What do you think?
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- File uv5x3_6VFOs_#3.py uv5x3_6VFOs_#3.py added
Yeah. They aren't the VFOs. I agree, they are kind of like "storage" or "presets" that can be loaded to into the corresponding VFO by tapping the [BAND] button. They can also be preset at the radio by keying in the appropriate frequency into the corresponding VFO.
I moved them to the Work Mode Settings tab just under VFO A Frequency: and VFO B Frequency:. I also called them "Presets". What do you think?
Updated by Rusty Haddock over 3 years ago
I think I still prefer "Saved" but "Preset" is fine. Ship it! :)
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- File uv5x3_6VFOs_#4.py uv5x3_6VFOs_#4.py added
- File uv5x3_6VFOs_#5.py uv5x3_6VFOs_#5.py added
- File uv5x3_6VFOs_#6.py uv5x3_6VFOs_#6.py added
Played around with this some more today. Here are some additional samples...
@#4@: same layout as @#3@ except replacing "Preset" with "(Saved)"
@#5@: same as @#4@ except ordered them in A/B sequence (VHF A/B, VHF2 A/B, UHF A/B) to be consistent with all of the other settings
@#6@: same sequence as @#5@ except removed "(Saved)" and prefixed with "MR" (Memory Recall) similar to "MR Channel A/B"
I'm not 100% for any of them, but if I had to choose one it would probably be @#5@.
Updated by Rusty Haddock over 3 years ago
@#5@ works for me, Jim!
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to In Progress
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
A patch has been submitted. Support will be in the next CHIRP daily build following acceptance.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed