Feature #9455
closedQYT 980PLUS
Hi, I have three of the same radios QYT-980PLUS, I know that CHIRP can Read & Write to these radios, as two of my three units have after a while been able to read/write/program to, but I often experience an issue that states "radio identification failed" OR "radio did not enter clone mode". I have tried newest version of CHIRP, older versions, different computers, operating systems, COMM Ports, COMM Port drivers installs, upgrades.... the list goes on, but I for some reason cannot get this third radio to READ. I use the QYT KT8900D model choice on CHIRP and the other two radios work just fine. Can someone please help me..... I'm at my wits end, I even bought a fourth radio just to try and see if it was the radio but that fourth one didn't READ either, but I can still get my two other radios to READ and Write. please HELP
Updated by Roy Wilson over 3 years ago
I am having the same exact issues with my QYT-980PLUS, just purchased on 10/21/21, "radio identification failed" OR "radio did not enter clone mode". I downloaded older versions of Chirp and different prolific drivers for the cable, same issue when I read my new radio, I assume they must be using different hardware in newer manufactured 980PLUS. I included a error log, I also saw in a different post that there maybe be a problem with the VC6042 chip, I'm not sure, but the fix from the other post doesn't work here.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
Roy's radio has an MCU version that CHIRP is not aware of: VC6042. This radio model has a different front panel layout that what the QYT KT8900D has, so I would imagine that it may or may not have some settings that are common with the 8900D. I would think the best path forward would be to make a separate Vendor/Model selection for the QYT KT-980PLUS. This would make it easier to implement those difference (if there are any).
It is possible that Michael's 3rd radio has the same issue. Michael, a debug.log following a download attempt from the 3rd radio (like the one Roy provided) would assist with determining this. Michael, would you also attach a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file from either or both of your first 2 radios that are currently recognized by CHIRP?
Updated by Roy Wilson over 3 years ago
I added the VC6042 to the btech.py and it seems to work in developer mode.
Updated by Roy Wilson over 3 years ago
Updated by Roy Wilson over 3 years ago
Roy Wilson wrote:
I added the VC6042 to the btech.py that I ripped from your Linux version of Chirp and it seems to work in developer mode. I swapped out the change "VC3402" to "VC6042" as you recommended in a similar post regarding the QYT 8900D that was having similar problems. It seems to read and write just fine. I don't know too much about python or if getting rid of the "VC3402" might affect Michael's other 2 radios.
Updated by Roy Wilson over 3 years ago
Ok I think I fixed it right, had a little help from my son, so I added lines:
KT8900D_fp4 = "VC6042"
fileid = [KT8900D_fp4, KT8900D_fp3, KT8900D_fp2, KT8900D_fp1, KT8900D_fp]
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
Roy Wilson wrote:
Ok I think I fixed it right, had a little help from my son, so I added lines:
KT8900D_fp4 = "VC6042"
fileid = [KT8900D_fp4, KT8900D_fp3, KT8900D_fp2, KT8900D_fp1, KT8900D_fp]
Yes. That is how you would resolve the issue if the radio was identical to a KT-8900D, but it isn't so I have more to do than that. But at least you have a workaround until then. Once I get the feedback that I need from Michael, I will create a test driver module and and attach it here so that you both (and anyone else) can test it before I submit a formal patch.
Updated by Michael Bueckers over 3 years ago
- File QYT_KT8900D_20210929.img QYT_KT8900D_20210929.img added
Hi everyone, thank you so much for the feedback and help. I did some searching today and it seems my first two radios were purchased from the same vendor, but the ones after that have been from different vendors as I have tried a total of four different radios so far. Also I noticed even though the radios look and are produced the same they are being advertised a little different in their titles, eg. 75W vs. 50W and also my first two radios (currently programmable with CHIRP) are labeled as a (Gen. 2 version of the radio) but all others don't mention anything about a specific generation so I'm thinking some interface things changed with newer production runs. Anyway, I have included the .img file for my most recent program for the ones that are programmable. Please let me know if there's anything else you need from me or anything I can do to help. I greatly appreciate all the help.
Thanks! Mike
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- File btech_kt980plus.py btech_kt980plus.py added
I have created my proposal as a test driver module to see if you can successfully download from and upload to your radio. It uses the Vendor: QYT / Model: KT980Plus selections. Here is how you use it.
- Download the btech_kt980plus.py test driver module and save it to a convenient location.
Note: Be sure to left-click the link and then click the download link near the top of the page that loads. Right-clicking the link to download the test driver module will not work.
- Load CHIRP
- Click Help in the menu bar and enable Enable Developer Functions
- Click File -> Load Module to locate and load the test driver module that was saved in step 1
At this point CHIRP will have a red background to indicate that it is running with an external driver module loaded. This does not permanently change your CHIRP installation in any way. Once you close CHIRP, you will have to reload the test driver module again before you can program the QYT KT980Plus with "VC3402" MCU version.
Try it to see if it works. Also try the (2nd) driver (btech.py) that Roy attached. It uses the QYT / KT8900D selections. Let me know which driver you prefer.
Updated by Michael Bueckers over 3 years ago
Yay!! It's reading and writing! Thank you so much for all the help!
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Resolved
- Assignee set to Jim Unroe
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Model affected changed from (All models) to KT980Plus
Patch submitted. Support for this radio (Vendor: QYT / Model: KT980PLUS) will be in the next CHIRP daily build following acceptance.