



Bug #9359


How to Update Raspbian Pi Buster Package Library?

Added by Todd Decker over 3 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
(All models)
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:



I'm using Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi 400. The OS is up to date and I've refreshed the package manager. However, the version of CHIRP in the package library is 'chirp-1:20190104-1+b2' and as a consequence does not have the most current set of supported radios. I am not that familiar with Raspbian but it looks like it uses the 'Buster' package source libraries. How can I either go about having the package library updated? Or, manually install the most current package? I tried installing the flatpak but with no luck (the installed CHIRP was still the older version).

Thank you for your help in advance

P. Todd Decker (KD0IDG)

Actions #1

Updated by Todd Decker over 3 years ago

Here is the os release info:

PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

Actions #2

Updated by Todd Decker over 3 years ago

And the Linux kernel is:

Linux 5.10.52-v7l+ armv7l
Actions #3

Updated by Todd Decker over 3 years ago

I was able to successfully install the current daily from the tarball:

CHIRP daily-20210830

However, the radio I'm looking for -- The AnyTone AT-778UV -- which is listed as supported, does not show up when I try to download from radio. Only the 588UV, 588UVIII, OBLTR-8R, and TERMN-8R show up.

So, I'm stuck again and any help is appreciated.

For posterity, after downloading the tarball, here are the steps taken to successfully install the daily:

sudo mv ~/Downloads/chirp-daily-20210830.tar.gz .
sudo tar xf chirp-daily-20210830.tar.gz 
cd chirp-daily-20210830/
sudo python build
sudo python install
sudo reboot
Actions #4

Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago

Todd Decker wrote:

I was able to successfully install the current daily from the tarball:

However, the radio I'm looking for -- The AnyTone AT-778UV -- which is listed as supported, does not show up when I try to download from radio. Only the 588UV, 588UVIII, OBLTR-8R, and TERMN-8R show up.

So, I'm stuck again and any help is appreciated.

For posterity, after downloading the tarball, here are the steps taken to successfully install the daily:

Take a look at the debug.log file. I'm pretty sure it would indicate that CHIRP is missing the Python "future": module. Future is required by 5 radio models, including the AnyTone AT-778UV, and has to be installed separately.


Actions #5

Updated by Todd Decker over 3 years ago

Thank you, Jim. While I never found where the debug.log file is, I went ahead and installed the Python future module. And, you were 100% correct that not having it installed was the issue. So, I have chirp up and running very successfully on my Raspberry Pi. The whole goal with the Pi 400 is to have a miniature terminal for APRS and Packet, loaded with manual PDFs, logging program, and chirp for radio programming as part of my 'go box' for the field. Having chirp working now on it really helps move towards that goal.

If chirp was on GitHub or GitLab, I would post a pull request to update the documentation for you to note the requirement for installing the Python future package. You might consider updating it (although you probably have your hands full).

Also, there is still a problem that the Raspberry Pi built-in package installer is way out of data for chirp. I don't even know where to start with trying to get that updated.

But, as for me, I'm good to go personally.

Thank you for your help.

P. Todd Decker

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

The "How to report issues": page in the CHIRP documentation/wiki area shows you how to locate the debug.log file for the 3 supported operating systems.


Actions #7

Updated by Tony Fuller about 3 years ago

Hi Todd, I have investigated how to build AppImages for 64-bit Intel, 64-bit ARM and 32-bit ARM architectures. I've tested them on my desktop computer and raspberry pi with a Baofeng 888s radio and am soliciting feedback from others. I would love to know if it works for you (best to try on a cheaper model first). There are no runtimes or other requirements. Just mark the binary as executable and run it.

If I get a few more thumbs up I'll propose to Dan if we can move to AppImages.


Actions #8

Updated by Tony Fuller over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed

No activity on ticket. AppImages and snap packages are both compatible with the arm architectures used in raspberry pi devices


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