



Bug #9347


Chirp Not Communicating/No USB Drop Down

Added by Mike Bieker over 3 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Baofeng cable
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


Mode UV-5R MK

I have tried several lap tops and desktop and cannot get my UV-5R MK to communicate with Chip. No Luck!

I have tired the 340 Driver, Shaved the Cable, Pressed the Cable in Hard, Physically moved the cable to different USB's.

It appears that the Radio is being recognized as "Other Device" vs. a Com Port or USB.

I am using the supplied programing cable that came with the radio, and I have order another. All cable are BaoFeng MFG not generics.

Also the is not Port Drop Down in the Chirp Software.

I am attaching the Debug File and Pics of the Errors.



Dev Manag.JPG (64.3 KB) Dev Manag.JPG Device Manager Screen Shot Mike Bieker, 09/03/2021 08:41 AM
Mikedebug.txt (29 KB) Mikedebug.txt Debug File Mike Bieker, 09/03/2021 08:41 AM
Chip Error.JPG (23.2 KB) Chip Error.JPG No Communication Mike Bieker, 09/03/2021 08:41 AM
No Port Drop Down.JPG (15.3 KB) No Port Drop Down.JPG No Drop Down Mike Bieker, 09/03/2021 08:41 AM
9-Device Manager.png (31.1 KB) 9-Device Manager.png Jim Unroe, 09/03/2021 09:49 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

This is not a CHIRP issue. As shown in the Device Manager Screen Shot (Dev Manag.JPG) that you attached, there is an error (triangle with !) with your programming cable and its installation. No programming can/will work until a complete and working connection between the radio and computer is established. Once you get this issue resolved, CHIRP should work fine.

My recommendation is to download the latest driver from each of the major chip vendors, then with the programming cable unplugged from your computer (and radio) install each driver. Once they are all installed, then you can plug in your programming cable an hopefully Windows will detect the chip in the programming cable and the correct driver will be loaded.

Links to the major chip vendors (FTDI, Prolific, WCH and Silicon Labs) driver downloads can be found "here":


Actions #2

Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago

A properly install driver and programming cable will include the assigned COM port and should look something like the attached screen capture.


Actions #3

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 3 years ago

  • Model affected changed from UV-5R MK5 & BF-F9 V2N to Baofeng cable

As pointed out above, it's not caused by Chirp, but rather the USB-to-Serial cable driver. Have you succeeded in finding one which works?

Actions #4

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed

No more feedback by submitter.


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