New Model #9235
closedBaofeng UV-5G
Do you know when you will be adding the UV-5G? It is the replacement for the UV-5X GRMS radio.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
A patch has already been submitted to support the UV-5X (See #9187). Unless something besides the model name was changed, once the UV-5X support has been accepted and added to CHIRP, you will just use the UV-5X model selection. In the mean time you can use the OEM programming software.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
I am trying to get a hold placed on the patch I submitted. I see that the Pofung had the FCC modify the UV-5X approval to the UV-5G so it makes sense to modify the CHIRP support the same way.
If I attach a test driver to this issue, would you be willing to grab a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file from one of your radios and attach it here for me to submit with my patch? I don't have a radio here so I must depend on an actual radio owner to help me out in that regard.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- File added
Michael Cox wrote:
I'll be happy to help.
Great. I have attached my test UV-5X driver module modified to select UV-5G instead. Below are the instructions for testing it with you CHIRP installation.
Download the attached test driver module to some place convenient (don't right-click to download. left-click and click "download" in the next page that appears). Save test driver module to some place convenient. Enable the developer functions in CHIRP (Help -> [X] Enable Developer Functions). Then load this test driver into CHIRP (File -> Load Module). The background should turn red to indicate that CHIRP is running with a custom driver module. Try downloading from your UV-5G using the Vendor: Radioddity / Model: UV-5G selections. If you get a successful download, please attach it to this issue.
Updated by Michael Cox over 3 years ago
- File UV-5G2.JPG UV-5G2.JPG added
Yes this is working, downloaded and uploaded back to the radio. I changed the name on a repeater to test upload
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
Michael Cox wrote:
Yes this is working, downloaded and uploaded back to the radio. I changed the name on a repeater to test upload
Great. The reason for doing this was for me to to get access to a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file from a UV-5G. However in the mean time I was able to get my hands on a utility that converted my UV-5X image to a UV-5G image.
So with that done, the original patch has been modified to have the Radioddity UV-5G selections and resubmitted. Radioddity UV-5X owners will use the UV-5G selection to program their radios.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Resolved
The patch has been accepted and will be in the next CHIRP daily build.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Support for the Radioddity UV-5G/UV-5X is in today's CHIRP daily build.
Updated by Joseph David over 3 years ago
I used the new UV-5G module to program my Radioddity/Baofeng UV-5X GMRS radio successfully. One thing to note is that I added a custom repeater program on Channel 31, but it will not transmit on the added channel, even though it was programmed the same as channel 26, except with a different PL tone. It appears that the radio will only transmit on the pre-programmed channels 1-30, at least with the firmware version I have.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
Joseph David wrote:
I used the new UV-5G module to program my Radioddity/Baofeng UV-5X GMRS radio successfully. One thing to note is that I added a custom repeater program on Channel 31, but it will not transmit on the added channel, even though it was programmed the same as channel 26, except with a different PL tone. It appears that the radio will only transmit on the pre-programmed channels 1-30, at least with the firmware version I have.
Exactly as the radio behaves when programmed with the factory software. Channels 1-30 RX/TX on the 30 GMRS frequencies. Channels 0 and 31-127 RX on on 136-174 MHz and 400-520 MHz.
Updated by Michael Cox over 3 years ago
Yes this is a GMRS only radio. Ch 1-30 are the only channels that TX. Add the repeater CTCSS tone to the all ready installed repeaters freq's on the radio and rename it.
Updated by Ian McBride over 3 years ago
There is a way around the artificial limit of TX above channel 30. I added more channels above 30 in CHIRP but can't TX. I then used the programming software provided by the vendor to read the radio. I then saved the the XML file and edited the fields in it with a text editor. I then loaded the XML file and wrote the new values to the radio. I can now TX on channels above 30. I have channels 31-52 set to use the GMRS frequencies with a CTCSS tone. 1-30 have no tone for any radio. 31-52 are matched to my other radios CTCSS tone.
It is a shame that CHIRP can't just do this instead of having to work around the software.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to In Progress
- Assignee set to Jim Unroe
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
Reopened issue to have a issue open to apply the patch to.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Patch submitted. Support for programming GMRS TX/RX frequencies on memory rows 0 and 31-127 will be available in the CHIRP daily build following acceptance.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Patch accepted. Support will be in the next CHIRP daily build.