



New Model #9185


CRT Micron UV V2

Added by Alain DELOBEL over 3 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

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I read the instructions above:


debug.log (37.5 KB) debug.log Alain DELOBEL, 07/04/2021 11:46 PM
anytone778uv(crt_micronuv_v2).py (65.9 KB) anytone778uv(crt_micronuv_v2).py Jim Unroe, 07/05/2021 04:42 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

I assume this is the "with VOX" version of the Micron UV similar to the VOX versions of the Retevis RT95 and AnyTone AT-778UV. Attempt to download using the CRT Micron UV vendor/model selection. Then attach the debug.log file to this issue. See the "How To Report Issues": page for instructions for finding the debug.log file of the 3 supported operating systems.


Actions #2

Updated by Alain DELOBEL over 3 years ago

Tank you Jim KC9HI, Here is the file in question

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Dan Smith to Jim Unroe

Alain DELOBEL wrote:

Tank you Jim KC9HI, Here is the file in question

This is exactly what was was looking for. I will have something here for you to test in a few minutes.


Actions #4

Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago

I have created a test driver module to support the CRT Micron UV V2 with VOX. Since I do not have access to a radio here, you must test it and let me know if it works with your radio. It should since the debug.log file indicates a similar change as to what was seen for the the VOX versions of the Retevis RT95 and AnyTone AT-778UV radios.

The following explains you to load the test driver module for testing.

1 save the attached "anytone778uv(crt_micronuv_v2).py" test driver module to a convenient location

Important: left click the file name and then click the "download" link on the page that loads.

2 open CHIRP
3 click "Help" in the menu bar and enable "Enable Developer Functions"
4 click "File" in the menu bar and select "Load Module" in the list of selections
5 locate and load the file that was saved in step 1

The CHIRP background should now be red. Attempt to download from your radio. If it works (it should), attach the downloaded CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file to this issue.

Note: This test driver module does not permanently change your CHIRP installation. If you close CHIRP and later on need to access your radio, you will have to load this test driver first.


Actions #5

Updated by Alain DELOBEL over 3 years ago

Hi Jim,

It works fine, I have all the information that is identical to the original CRT software, great job

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Unroe over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to In Progress

Alain DELOBEL wrote:

Hi Jim,

It works fine, I have all the information that is identical to the original CRT software, great job

From what I have been able to determine between users with VOX models and my "V1" Retevis RT95 is that the "V2" models...

  • ...don't support a power-on password
  • ...have added VOX features (VOX On/Off, VOX Delay, VOX Level)
  • ...adds a VOX selection to the Key Assignment options

I'll try to submit a patch today. You can continue to use the test module until the patch is accepted and available in a future CHIRP daily build.


Actions #7

Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:84d21145c658.


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