



Bug #8559


Baofeng BF-UV10R

Added by Scott Higgs about 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Baofeng BF-UV10R
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


Not sure what's entailed in adding device support - happy to help with whatever info I can provide


macOS_cable_IDs.txt (3.26 KB) macOS_cable_IDs.txt Jim Unroe, 12/18/2020 08:09 AM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Bug #7881: Baofeng BF-UVF10Closed05/16/2020

Actions #1

Updated by Scott Higgs about 4 years ago

Should mention, I tried to dl from radio using
CHIRP daily-20201128
GTK 2.24.32
PyGTK 2.24.0
Python 2.7.16
Log results from attempts using Baofeng BF-F8HP and Baofeng UV-9R below

[2020-12-17 14:22:14,451] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: User selected Baofeng BF-F8HP on port /dev/cu.usbserial
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/361B6008-2532-49B1-ADD2-F11626A76197/d/", line 1651, in mh
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/361B6008-2532-49B1-ADD2-F11626A76197/d/", line 741, in do_download
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/361B6008-2532-49B1-ADD2-F11626A76197/d/", line 240, in init
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/361B6008-2532-49B1-ADD2-F11626A76197/d/", line 272, in open
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/361B6008-2532-49B1-ADD2-F11626A76197/d/", line 438, in _reconfigure_port
[iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc])
termios.error: (22, 'Invalid argument')
[2020-12-17 14:22:39,681] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: User selected Baofeng UV-9R on port /dev/cu.usbserial
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/361B6008-2532-49B1-ADD2-F11626A76197/d/", line 1651, in mh
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/361B6008-2532-49B1-ADD2-F11626A76197/d/", line 741, in do_download
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/361B6008-2532-49B1-ADD2-F11626A76197/d/", line 240, in __init
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/361B6008-2532-49B1-ADD2-F11626A76197/d/", line 272, in open
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/361B6008-2532-49B1-ADD2-F11626A76197/d/", line 438, in _reconfigure_port
[iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc])
termios.error: (22, 'Invalid argument')

Actions #2

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

#7881 might have a solution for you. Please let us know.

Actions #3

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago

  • Tracker changed from New Model to Bug
  • Model affected set to Baofeng BF-UV10R
  • Platform set to Windows
Actions #4

Updated by Scott Higgs about 4 years ago

Bernhard Hailer wrote:

#7881 might have a solution for you. Please let us know.

No joy, sadly. Incidentally, platform is Mac - tried on windows with similar results, but log output is from Mac OS X 10.14.6

Actions #5

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago

Hmm, I don't have any Mac experience, but it seems that there's an issue with the serial port you are using. Perhaps the Wiki might have some answers, for example MacOS Tips? There are more articles which contain useful information: when you go to the Wiki tab on the Chirp website, you find a small menu on the right hand side. Select "Index by title".

Actions #6

Updated by Jim Unroe about 4 years ago

On your Mac with the programming cable plugged in type "/dev/cu*" (without the quotes) into Terminal and press [ENTER]

Please report the returned output here.


Actions #7

Updated by Scott Higgs about 4 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

On your Mac with the programming cable plugged in type "/dev/cu*" (without the quotes) into Terminal and press [ENTER]

Please report the returned output here.


Thanks Jim. "ls /dev/cu*" gives me:
/dev/cu.ARPT /dev/cu.usbserial
/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port /dev/cu.usbserial-14140

should I see two serial adapters?

Actions #8

Updated by Jim Unroe about 4 years ago

Scott Higgs wrote:

Jim Unroe wrote:

On your Mac with the programming cable plugged in type "/dev/cu*" (without the quotes) into Terminal and press [ENTER]

Please report the returned output here.


Thanks Jim. "ls /dev/cu*" gives me:
/dev/cu.ARPT /dev/cu.usbserial
/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port /dev/cu.usbserial-14140

should I see two serial adapters?

Thanks Scott,

I've not seen the /dev/cu.usbserial (with no suffix) before but I would suspect that the /dev/cu.usbserial-14140 would indicate that the programming cable has a Prolific PL-2303 chip in it (at least my Prolific chip based programming cables report /dev/cu.usbserial-1410 and /dev/cu.usbserial-1420).

In order for my (counterfeit) Prolific chip based programming cable to function properly, I had to purchase a 3rd party driver. Back then it was $9.11 but the price has been reduced by 40% for quite some time. Here is where I bought it.

Replio - High-end macOS drivers for your PL-2303, CH341 and CP2102 USB to Serial devices

When using a Prolific chip based programming cable with Windows, you have to download, install and select the older Prolific v3.2.0.0 driver. Links for the driver and instructions for installing and selecting it are here.

Another workaround that is popular is to get a programming cable with and FTDI USB-to-Serial chip. Both the native Apple driver for macOS and the automatically installed driver for Windows is virtually "plug-and-play".

I have also included the notes I have gathered from testing my various programming cables with my MacBook Air. I'm not a Mac user, but my son-in-law bought it for me so I use it occasionally to mess around with CHIRP.


Actions #9

Updated by Scott Higgs about 4 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

In order for my (counterfeit) Prolific chip based programming cable to function properly, I had to purchase a 3rd party driver. Back then it was $9.11 but the price has been reduced by 40% for quite some time. Here is where I bought it.

Replio - High-end macOS drivers for your PL-2303, CH341 and CP2102 USB to Serial devices

That was it Jim! The purchased driver did the trick.

Some info for posterity:
The duplicate serial adapters in the terminal output from "ls /dev/cu*" were a result of my having installed the Prolific driver alongside the native Mac OS USB serial adaptor driver which I only now realize is part of OS X (I'm running 10.14.6 Mojave). This native driver apparently will support a bona fide PL2303 chip, which apparently my $14 was not enough to buy :)

Before installing the driver purchased from I uninstalled the Prolific driver (downloaded from per cable manufacturer's instructions) using the following terminal commands
sudo kextunload /Library/Extensions/ProlificUSBSerial.kext
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/ProlificUsbSerial.kext

I left the OS X native serial adapter intact (/System/Library/Extensions/AppleUSBSerial.kext)

After a restart, the terminal command "/dev/cu*" now shows the following:

the Mac OS native adapter is still there (/dev/cu.usbserial-14140) along with the newly installed one (/dev/cu.Repleo-PL2303-00008014).


Port /dev/cu.Repleo-PL2303-00008014
Vendor Baofeng
Model BF-F8HP

in CHIRP's Download from Radio prompt now results in a successful download. Thanks everyone for the help!

Actions #10

Updated by Scott Higgs about 4 years ago

aaaaand, we're back.

The download looked successful, but the settings weren't retrieved, which prevents uploading (Vendor and Model fields are grayed out in Radio -> Upload To Radio dialog.) The settings data fails to parse as can be seen in the following log output:

[2020-12-18 09:07:52,583] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: User selected Baofeng BF-F8HP on port /dev/cu.Repleo-PL2303-00008014
[2020-12-18 09:07:52,589] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread started
[2020-12-18 09:07:52,589] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Sending Magic: 000: 50 bb ff 20 12 07 25 00 P.....%.

[2020-12-18 09:07:52,675] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Valid response, got this:
[2020-12-18 09:07:52,675] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: 000: aa 30 76 04 00 05 20 dd .0v.....

[2020-12-18 09:07:52,960] chirp.drivers.uv5r - INFO: Radio Version is 'HN5RV011\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
[2020-12-18 09:07:52,960] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: downloading main block...
[2020-12-18 09:08:06,592] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: done.
[2020-12-18 09:08:06,593] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: downloading aux block...
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,298] chirp.drivers.uv5r - DEBUG: done.
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,348] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread ended
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,373] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting model usage: Baofeng_BF-F8HP,download,False
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,374] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex , 1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,374] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-1810000 Digimodes simplex , 1800000-1810000 Digital Modes simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,374] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex mode: CW , 1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,374] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex , 3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,375] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex , 7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,375] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex , 10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,376] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10130000-10140000 All narrow band digimodes simplex , 10130000-10140000 RTTY simplex mode: RTTY ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,376] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10140000-10150000 All modes, digimodes, no phone simplex , 10140000-10150000 Packet simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,376] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex , 14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,376] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex , 18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,377] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex , 21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,377] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex , 24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,378] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW , 28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,378] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28150000-28190000 All narrow band modes, digimodes simplex , 28150000-28190000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,379] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29000000-29200000 All modes, AM preferred simplex mode: AM , 29000000-29200000 AM simplex mode: AM ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,379] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29300000-29510000 Satellite downlink simplex , 29300000-29510000 Satellite Downlinks simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,379] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex , 1800000-2000000 160 Meter Band simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,379] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1800000-1810000 Digimodes simplex , 1800000-1810000 Digital Modes simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,379] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex mode: CW , 1999000-2000000 Beacons simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,380] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex , 3500000-4000000 80 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,380] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex , 7000000-7300000 40 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,380] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex , 10100000-10150000 30 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,380] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10130000-10140000 All narrow band digimodes simplex , 10130000-10140000 RTTY simplex mode: RTTY ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,380] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [10140000-10150000 All modes, digimodes, no phone simplex , 10140000-10150000 Packet simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,380] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex , 14000000-14350000 20 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,380] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex , 18068000-18168000 17 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,381] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex , 21000000-21450000 15 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,381] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex , 24890000-24990000 12 Meter Band simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,381] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW , 28000000-28070000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,381] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [28150000-28190000 All narrow band modes, digimodes simplex , 28150000-28190000 CW simplex mode: CW ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,382] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29000000-29200000 All modes, AM preferred simplex mode: AM , 29000000-29200000 AM simplex mode: AM ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,382] chirp.ui.bandplans - WARNING: Bandplan North American Band Plan has duplicates [29300000-29510000 Satellite downlink simplex , 29300000-29510000 Satellite Downlinks simplex ]
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Code supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Rx Code supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Pol supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Mode supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Offset supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Tune Step supported: False
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: ToneSql supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Cross Mode supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,401] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Comment supported: False
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Code supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Rx Code supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: DTCS Pol supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Mode supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Offset supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Tune Step supported: False
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Name supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: ToneSql supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Cross Mode supported: True
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,402] chirp.ui.memedit - INFO: Comment supported: False
[2020-12-18 09:08:07,439] chirp.drivers.uv5r - ERROR: Failed to parse settings: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/07B43BCE-6B9E-4BAE-8FCE-F8951E453342/d/", line 1686, in get_settings
return self._get_settings()
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/07B43BCE-6B9E-4BAE-8FCE-F8951E453342/d/", line 1500, in _get_settings
IndexError: list index out of range

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/private/var/folders/g1/9wrqgyg55j98b8j_4rnl1n4w0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/07B43BCE-6B9E-4BAE-8FCE-F8951E453342/d/", line 219, in _build_ui
raise Exception("Invalid Radio Settings")
Exception: Invalid Radio Settings

This is starting to feel more like an unsupported model than a hardware/driver issue to me, though evidently other users have had success. I'll try to get my hands on a known-good cable and check that

Actions #11

Updated by Jim Unroe about 4 years ago

This is an issue in the radio, not the programming cable. The TXP setting in the VFOs have an out-of-range value in them from the factory or somehow a bit got flipped in shipping. Go into VFO mode and set the TXP in both the top (A) VFO and bottom (B) VFO to something else to correct the value. You can probably change them back to the original values after that. Then download from the radio. You should be good after that. If not attach you "image" to this issue and it will fix and return it.

Tip: You can tap the [#] key to cycle through the available TXP values.


Actions #12

Updated by Scott Higgs about 4 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

This is an issue in the radio, not the programming cable. The TXP setting in the VFOs have an out-of-range value in them from the factory or somehow a bit got flipped in shipping. Go into VFO mode and set the TXP in both the top (A) VFO and bottom (B) VFO to something else to correct the value. You can probably change them back to the original values after that. Then download from the radio. You should be good after that. If not attach you "image" to this issue and it will fix and return it.

Tip: You can tap the [#] key to cycle through the available TXP values.


Yeah, that did it. Set the TXP values to M for both A/B modes and tried again. Worked just fine. Thanks so much for the help Jim!

Actions #13

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
  • Platform changed from Windows to MacOS

Issue resolved.


Also available in: Atom PDF