New Model #8553
closedAnytone AT-D878UV+
support request for the above hand held device Anytone d878uv plus
Updated by Jim Unroe about 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
CHIRP doesn't support DMR radios.
Updated by gail spencer about 4 years ago
Jim, this Transceiver is multi operational not just dmr, it does dstar fusion echolink as well as
analog get the bee out of your bonnet with regard to multi modal transceivers
Are you the owner of this group? or lead developer? You seem to have a dislike for this particular multi modal transceiver.
can you please tell me your position with regard to this group Jim KC9HI?
This has of course already been pointed out to you that the anytone 878uv is multi modal and note that a previous case has been left open.
Updated by Jim Unroe about 4 years ago
If there is already an open issue for this model, why did you start a new one? Opening up multiple requests does not help with getting a radio supported. It just wastes resources weeding out duplicates.
The data storage method for digital radios (even though they can also operate as an analog radio) is not compatible with CHIRP. My understanding it that it would take a rewrite of CHIRP in order to be compatible.
I definitely do not have a dislike for DMR or other digital transceivers. I have 4 DMR radios (3 within arms reach) and 3 multi-mode hotspots. If it was possible for any of my DMR radios to be supported by CHIRP, I would certainly be working to get them supported.
If you wish to discuss this, you should take it to either the chirp_users mailing list and/or the chirp_devel mailing list. Discussing issues like this are what these mailing lists are for.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago
- Subject changed from support request to Anytone AT-D878UV+
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
Duplicates #7677. Please follow and post there. Thanks!
Notabene: at this time, we are not able to support DMR capable radios (even if they also do "analog" - that applies to most of these radios). This is due to the way these radios store channel information. We will leave these New Model Requests open, perhaps we'll find a way to support them at a later time. It will be a while.