New Model #8497
closedTYT TH UV88
Drop down list, is missing the TH UV88 in Chirp. Unable to down load data from the radio.
The TYT UV88 is not shown in the drop down list but is now listed on the Wiki page.
Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
Hi Richard,
Which CHIRP daily build do you have installed. I installed the daily build from this morning (CHIRP daily-20201128) and the TYT TH-UV88 it is listed in mine (second from the top).
Updated by Doug Donnelly over 4 years ago
Thank you for adding the TYT TH-UV88 to CHIRP, however I wanted to download and I get a box "TYT TH-UV88 Instructions... This is an early beta stage" I tried to upload from CHIRP and unable to do so... So I am just wondering if this Radio TYT TH-UV88 is not be compatible with CHIRP
Updated by Doug Donnelly over 4 years ago
All is good, I have the TYT TH-UV88 Radio programmed and works great!!! Thank you for adding the Radio to CHIRP!!!
Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago
Doug Donnelly wrote:
Thank you for adding the TYT TH-UV88 to CHIRP, however I wanted to download and I get a box "TYT TH-UV88 Instructions... This is an early beta stage" I tried to upload from CHIRP and unable to do so... So I am just wondering if this Radio TYT TH-UV88 is not be compatible with CHIRP
This is a common message that it put into a radio's driver module when it is newly coded. It usually there for a long time because removing it after a reasonable time is often overlooked.
I use this message as a reminder to save the first successful download, unedited, to a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file to be kept in a safe place as a backup.
There it a box that you can tick so that future prompts with this message will be suppressed.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
- Target version set to chirp-legacy
Model available.